Who: Naomi (
electrorequiem) and anyone who wants along for the ride
What: Naomi comes out of her room after a long night of thinking...
When: Post apocalypse chaos/drama in
this post
Where: Bar/Dining Area
Rating: G, maybe PG?
from out of hibernation comes... )
Comments 7
As her vision cleared, she took another good look at the girl sitting next to her. "Oi, you're the magic user from yesterday, right? Pretty nice skill you got there; without you, all this would've gone up in flames." Naomi gestured to the alcohol in display behind the bar and grimaced. "That would've been a little bit harder to clean up."
Naomi suddenly bit her lip, realizing she hadn't introduced herself. "We haven't met formally, have we?" she continued, sounding somewhat apologetic and offering her hand. "I'm Nao, the repair woman around here. Who are you?"
She returned her attention to the other girl, smiling and taking the offered hand. "I'm Arya, now a waitress here. Nice to meet you." It felt good, she had to say, being able to talk and befriend a person like this, even though they had full awareness now of what she was. Better to be appreciated than feared, after all. She bit her lip as a realisation dawned on her. "Oh...so you had to clean up the mess left afterward, huh?"
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