roxas v.s. lambo [finished]

Jan 26, 2008 17:12

Who: Roxas (
inthenextlife ), Lambo (
electricow ), and mostly everyone. XD
What: Roxas vs Lambo... FAITO.
When: Right after this.
Where: dining area
Rating: PG

Roxas stared at the boy with the cowprints. I can't believe this boy is asking for a present?! We JUST met! Some people can be so annoying. The blonde boy sighed and then heard a little sniffle coming from Lambo.

"W-what are you doing? Are you going to start crying?!" Oh no... I made him CRY now?! "St-stop! Don't cry! You can have candy?" Roxas offered panicking. Seconds later...


Lambo had taken out his hand grenades and began to throw them in the direction of where Roxas was standing.

[[ooc: oh wow, that was a lame way to start a log :x]]

laito imagay, lambo, naomi belmont, arya, lita ray caites, roxas

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