Title: Beneath the Surface (9/~14),
8Fandom: X-Men: First Class, Charles/Erik
Genre: AU; Drama/Romance
Rating: PG-13, possibly up to NC-17 later.
Word Count: 5539
Summary: Charles is a young marine biologist and activist that, one day, makes the find of his lifetime. Inspired by
this fanartAuthor's Note: Still un-beta'ed.
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Comments 25
Loooooved Alex and Erik talking. He did really well in that conversation, and Charles came in and was all Charles about it. Oh Charles. I really hope they get to have a chat soon that clears it up. Although....bad feelings about going to ex-girlfriend's house at this point. Hoping that will spark the conversation they need, but at the same time hoping it comes before. Can't wait!
Heh, calling PETA. Not a band idea, but what exactly do you tell PETA or anyone for that matter "So um there's this person who's part shark and... no this is not a joke this... yes... I do realize you have important things to do..." ^^
If you read the next chapter it should answer your questions/clear up what you've been wondering about :)
And glad you liked the scene with Alex and Erik. I've become quite fond of Alex as well, tbh. I had no idea what I'd do with him when I started writing, and that he'd become so important for the group at some point. He needs to find a nice girl and be happy too ^^
I love how Erik's making friends, and I like very much the tension going on between Charles and Erik over Charles's phenomenal foot-in-mouth.
Also, yay, Moira! She needs so much love, given all the crazy she has to deal with.
I also kind of want to draw Raven and Irene, but I'd have to Google Irene first.
Hm, Irene. In the comics she looks quite different, but in my verse I imagined her with long, straight dark brown/black hair and brown eyes. Unfortunately, I can't think of an actress that would look like her, and I suck at describing faces ^^ But OMG I'd be soooo thrilled if you drew them.
pretty cool chapter
and i hope charles and erik will understand each other, but i doubt that they understand themselves !!! lol
looking forward for more
I don't know how you come up with the details of this world, but it is addictive.
And aww thanks *blushes* Well, it's probably because I'm thinking about this story almost 24/7, hehe. Geez, what will I do when I've completed it?
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