Annabelle's Room - Mirror Alice

Jul 26, 2010 20:11

The past days were nothing exceptional: bickering, arguing, working. Luke was kicked out by his then-girlfriend, and nobody was surprised ( Read more... )

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leadinghome July 28 2010, 01:00:18 UTC
Connor opens the door to Annabelle's room: he left the woman tied up, rolled into a blanket that is tied too, and gagged. That way, she can not reach anything with two layers of blanket covering her.

He indicates the packaged psycho on the floor "There." Being so close to the psycho makes him feel slightly nauseous. "We might need Security to take her out of Milliways. Or give a long explanation if people see us hauling her.


mirror_alice July 28 2010, 01:36:03 UTC
When entering the room, the Wall of Weapons is fairly obvious. Guns, grenades, knives, something that looks disturbingly like a chainsaw.... Thinking about them being in Alice's hands is not comforting at all.

Alice is awake now, and struggling to get loose. The hate and rage she's exuding right now may be palpable even to a non-psychic.


doyousmellfudge July 28 2010, 01:57:56 UTC
Connor did a thorough job tying her up. Alice is unlikely to wriggle out of there. Artie's going to keep the Tesla trained on her, though, just in case.

"Don't even think about it."


claudiometer July 28 2010, 02:12:28 UTC
"Did you really think we wouldn't figure it out eventually?"
It's that or actually focus on the Wall of Weapons. Claudia does not want to think about that.


leadinghome July 28 2010, 02:16:47 UTC
Connor says nothing, because really, what can he say now?

He just watches.


mirror_alice July 28 2010, 02:19:39 UTC
Alice is gagged right now, which would prevent understandable conversation even if she was calm enough to speak.

Her hatred and rage at the staff of the Warehouse has had over a hundred years to build and grow in the emptiness of the mirror. Alice snarls at them, a sound more akin to a rabid beast than anything human, as she attempts to thrash her way loose of her bonds.

And if looks could kill.....


doyousmellfudge July 28 2010, 02:21:50 UTC
They can, on occasion. Now isn't one of those occasions.

"C'mon, help me--" Artie slides the Tesla into his pocket and grabs the ropes wrapped around Alice. (Hey, he's still got his left arm in a sling, he can't move a grown woman himself.)


claudiometer July 28 2010, 02:25:47 UTC
Claudia's gonna stick to the legs, thanks. She really doesn't wanna be anywhere near Alice's head.


leadinghome July 28 2010, 02:32:47 UTC
Connor will help Artie, and get the door for them...


mirror_alice July 28 2010, 02:35:14 UTC
Alice is making this as difficult for them as she possibly can. She's struggling with all her might, and she doesn't care if she hurts herself or anyone else in the process.

Rage and desperation are giving her considerable strength, considering her circumstances.


doyousmellfudge July 28 2010, 02:38:43 UTC
Much maneuvering, stumbling, and hissed profanity later, they're at the Front Door. It's a minor miracle that Security hasn't noticed them, but Artie isn't about to jinx their luck by pointing that out.

He shuffles backward and shoulders the door open.


claudiometer July 28 2010, 02:41:22 UTC
And once they've bundled Alice through the door, Claudia kicks it shut behind them.
"Okay, now for the fun part."


leadinghome July 28 2010, 02:43:10 UTC
"Toss this maniac back where it belongs, and get Annabelle out of there." Yes, he said 'it', referring to Alice.


mirror_alice July 28 2010, 02:45:21 UTC
The sight of the Warehouse instills something akin to atavistic terror in Alice. She's not going back in there, she's NOT!


doyousmellfudge July 28 2010, 02:50:02 UTC
"Okay. The Dark Vault is--" Artie angles his head toward the aisle leading to his left-- "That way, about 500 yards, give or take."

He's wishing he'd thought to bring a hand truck or something. He wasn't anticipating having to carry Alice.


claudiometer July 28 2010, 02:54:45 UTC
As they get going, Claudia keeps an eye out for anything with wheels that doesn't look like it'd bite their heads off or anything. On the other hand, as long as they're carrying Alice, it's that much harder for her to bolt.


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