Professor Layton Secret Santa 2010 FAQ

Oct 11, 2010 23:23

What is the Professor Layton Secret Santa?

It's a fanwork exchange. Basically, you sign up to write, draw, make icons, AMVs, or whatever else you do. You give some prompts that you'd like to see. Then you are matched up with another participant. Someone writes/draws/verbs your prompt, and you write/draw/verb someone else's. You make a present and you get one back!

What type of fanworks are eligible?

Fanfic and fanart are the most common, and we'd ask as a courtesy that all participants offer to write or draw in addition to any other fanwork you offer.

What else can you offer? It depends on what you can make or do. Icons, AMVs, poetry-- it's all eligible as long as it can be sent in an electronic form.

What are the length/other requirements?

The minimum length that we're asking for fic is 500 words. If your fic is 490 or 10,000, those are both okay too. Remember, this is a present for someone-- and given the size of our fandom, it's probably someone you know and like. Please put in some effort toward it. Don't be that guy who buys all of his gifts last minute at the hardware store. Art should not be drawn on lined paper with a half-dead pen. Consider whatever you make to be on par with that 500-word requirement. We've never had trouble with this in the past, so we don't anticipate any now.

What's defaulting?

Signing up and not getting your fanwork to us in time for the deadline. This is a Very Bad Thing - it means that someone is missing a present and we have to cover for you!

You may default without penalty if you do so by one week after receiving your assignment.

If you default after that but more than one week before your assignment is due, then you will have to agree to an earlier deadline if you participate in the 2011 Exchange.

If you default less than one week before the assignment is due, or miss the deadline without contacting us with a Very Good Reason, you will not be able to participate in the 2011 Exchange.

The gifts made for defaulters will be posted for the whole comm as presents for everyone who participated.

What is pinch-hitting?

Just like in baseball, when a pinch-hitter steps in to bat for someone else, a pinch-hitter in a fanwork exchange steps in to cover for a defaulter, so that everyone will have a Secret Santa present. Pinch-hitter sign-ups will go up when normal sign-ups do.

Pinch-hitters may receive their assignments any time after assignments first go out, up until the last day that fanworks are due. Pinch-hitters should, therefore, be able to work in a hurry, be flexible with what they can write/draw/verb, and be willing to write/draw/verb for two people even though they're only receiving one gift.

We will contact pinch-hitters before sending them a second assignment. Saying that you can't pinch-hit at that point gives no penalty.

What do you mean by X on the sign-up form?

Here's a detailed explanation.

Name: Your LJ name please. The master spreadsheet is sorted by LJ handles.

Email: So we can send you your assignment. Please make this an email address you can easily access, as we may have to email you more than once. The only people who will have this information are the ones running this exchange.

Type of Fanwork I Can Make: Anything can go here, though we ask as a courtesy that at least one of your choices include Fanfic or Fanart.

I Don't Want to Make: This isn't the cue to repeat the type of fanwork above. I'm talking about pairing, rating, genre, kinks, situations, and stuff like that. For example, "I don't want to write Layton/Luke or anything that involves rape, murder, or cheese." Feel free to be as specific as you'd like, but if you make it difficult for us to match you, we may have to contact you and ask for help. You can put ratings here if you'd like, too.

I Don't Want to Receive: This can be the same as above, or totally different. It's the same concept, in any case.

Prompt 1: You can leave up to ten prompts, but only three are required. They can be similar or wildly different. Give as many as you like-- the more the better, though you are only required to receive and respond to one. But the more varied prompts you give, the easier it will be to match you to someone to write/draw/verb for you.

Please, don't be too specific or too broad: people find that intimidating. Saying "Anything!" sometimes leads to someone answering, "I can't think of anything!" And making a laundry list of things you want included can be just as difficult.

Prompt 2: See above.

Prompt 3: This is the last required prompt, but you can leave as many as 10.

Spoilers Okay?: Will you be able to write/receive something involving characters from Unwound Future or Eternal Diva? We will be making the assumption that everyone has played the first and second games!

Other Notes: Anything else you feel is important to tell us.

If you don't fill the sign-up out correctly, we will contact you about it.

What's the schedule?

The schedule is in this post!

Who are the mods, and how can we contact them?

Your mods are rhap-chan and sky-pirate-tat. We've both been around Layton fandom for quite a while and we live together, so communication is not an issue. Email/PM either of us with the reassurance that we will both see it.

Official Mod Email:
PMs: Should be turned on for non-friends for us both. If you want a PM in return, please do make sure yours are turned on!
Comments to this post: Will be read by rhap-chan.

! mod, fest: 2010, ! faq

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