
Oct 30, 2011 23:54

So...I got married! Or, as my sister said, "Layna, you're, in every way possible ( Read more... )

weddings, david lee, family, lisa

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Comments 7

chantie_zuljin October 31 2011, 01:25:28 UTC
Eaahhhhh!!! Your wedding went so well, I'm very glad!!! :)

I'm really glad your family and friends managed to make it there and everything fell into place!

Also your dress and hanbok (which is so cool!) are both gorgeous! Please post pictures of the paebaek when you can! I'd love to see your full attire. :)

I love your family group wedding photo too, I think it shows an amazing mixture of American and Korean culture merged together, which I think represents you and your husband very well.

And what? Wild zebras? <3 Awesome!

Congratulations! ♥


laynamarya October 31 2011, 11:22:27 UTC
Thank you!

My sister uploaded a bunch of paebaek pictures to facebook yesterday, so I will try to put them up here.

Yeah, I love the family photo! Most Korean-Western weddings I've been to have like three non-Koreans attending, but mine had about fifty, which was fantastic.

Also, I live near a zoo. The zebras, alas, are not wild.

Thanks again!! <3


chantie_zuljin November 1 2011, 23:19:34 UTC
Hahahaha, oh ok, I was really amazed that zebras ran wild in South Korea for a moment there. But living by a zoo is great too! At least there you don't have to worry about being eaten or trampled. ;)

It's awesome that you had such a great mix of cultures!

Yay, I look forward to seeing the pictures when you post them!

You're very welcome! <3


danae October 31 2011, 05:03:06 UTC
congrats, your dress is beautiful!
Wow, I'm amazed that you got no time off for your wedding.


laynamarya October 31 2011, 11:20:07 UTC
Thank you!!

I got time off AFTER the wedding, I just couldn't get the Friday off before the "big deal" wedding, even though we had an actual ceremony that day, too.


kateball12 November 1 2011, 02:17:55 UTC


jilsynchro November 6 2011, 04:54:29 UTC
So, this was, naturally, an amazing post. Was the soap so candy-like that people didn't even know it was soap, even after they ate it? Because that would be pretty epic.

Also, that cheonsey thing just goes to show you how completely opposite the perspectives of two cultures can be on a concept like "ownership". I think. I am extrapolating a whole bunch because I don't really get it. One day, when I have time, I want to look into that more, unless of course you get around to blogging about it first ;)

And congratulations again!


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