
Nov 10, 2009 21:33

So I discovered something weird and perhaps slightly embarrassing about myself ( Read more... )

exercise, money, korean, david lee

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Comments 2

purplegryphon November 10 2009, 20:36:33 UTC
Interestingly enough, this is widespread! Women in America don't speak in their natural voice, instead deepening it. I do this, too! I know there's a whole passel of reasons: to sound smarter, to be taken more seriously, etc, etc. But it's true! I do this too. Asian women, in particular, do -not- do this, which is why they sound so high and squeaky, to us Murrikans. It makes total sense that you, immersed in Korean culture and learning the language, would also speak in your natural voice, emulating the way other women around you (and probably your teacher!) sound. Of course, I know nothing of Korean culture, so it could be pure conjecture that women there speak higher, it IS a sweeping generalization.


I just thought I'd share that interesting tidbit. :D



laynamarya November 11 2009, 13:02:23 UTC
Yes! This is completely true! Sometimes women make their voices higher than they are supposed to be, because they think it sounds cuter. They stop doing this a couple of years after they get married though, according to my language partner.

I think it is related to something I wrote a couple months ago about ultra-feminization in this culture:

Last night David and I had an interesting discussion about gender roles. In America, there are a lot of guys who ultra-masculinize themselves to the point of detriment, getting into fights, drinking too much, swearing, beating their girlfriends and wives. But I never realized how much many women here ultra-feminize themselves, also to the point of detriment, wearing extremely uncomfortable spiked heels, impractical skirts, claiming to be too weak to carry their own bags and too submissive to express their own opinions or disagreement. And it is heartbreaking. I am pretty sure I will never become that kind of person, but I really hope that my students don't. Fortunately I have met a lot of ( ... )


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