Title: A Fair Distance: Comes a Time. Chapter Ten.
Fandom The Sentinel
Author: Laurie
Type: Slash
Rating: PG-17 (for the series)
Word count: 6152 words
Link to warnings for the entire series Written for Sentinel Thursday Challenge 232: Regrets
Beta’ed by
t_verano So much appreciation!
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Comments 18
Reading that the story has a "real" quality to you, makes me think I'm doing something right with my writing.
So thank you very much, and thanks for sticking with the story since it's been a long trip over the years. I've actually written the ending, but I still need to do an epilouge.
True, this, :-)
I feel like Ruefull, in her comment above; I get tongue-tied about this 'verse and the journey you've been taking the guys on. They've come such a long way -- and I don't want them to stop (which I know they have to, I know, I know...)
I'm so glad you let me spend a little extra time hanging out in this 'verse. So much love for it...
None of this would have happened without you. You've held my hand from the first chapter, when I plopped Blair in jail and then had to think why he was there and what was going on in Jim's and Blair's lives. I've learned so much because of your explanations, or how you puzzle out why something doesn't feel quite right.
And we've become such good friends, and that is something I'll take away from this series as much as the satisfaction of creating this story.
*squishes you to absolute and utter pieces*
I can't imagine not having you in my life. Cannot go there.
Aw, I love this. Love the whole chapter, but this really struck me in the old ticker. Raven is right, so rich, so warm, so full of life and humanity. Lovely work.
Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback, like I told Raven, it makes me feel that I'm on the right track with writing this story.
Thanks for reading and commenting,
In other news, how's the cold from hell on your end? I'm on day ten, and I've diagnosed myself now with viral bronchitis. I went back to work today but had to leave when I started running a fever again. I've been running low ones since last Friday. My productivity at work this month is going to suck.
Thanks for reading and commenting,
Thanks for reading and commenting,
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