I've been promising these for ages, and we did a load of pictures a few weeks ago. I persuaded my brother to model the greatcoat. So if you didn't see me like this at the Hub 2, here you go :) That's a Mars Attacks blaster, BTW. It makes sounds and the brain glows and moves XD Thanks to ebay, the holster is from 1944 & the boots are from 1945. I now have enough items to do TEC/TDD Jack ;)
laura greatcoat
chris greatcoat
laura chris john jack
laura chris john jack 1
laura chris john jack 2
chris greatcoat 1
laura jack waistcoat vm
laura john
laura john 1
group captain RAF cap
photoshoot pics, Hub 1 -
http://laurab1.livejournal.com/371462.htmlphotoshoot pictures, Hub 2 -
http://laurab1.livejournal.com/371867.html Captain John jacket, WIP -
http://laurab1.livejournal.com/351377.htmlCaptain John jacket, close-ups -