Torchwood/Dr Who - fic and art - Pictures Tell Stories, Jack, Joan Redfern, OFCs, other, PG

Feb 01, 2008 02:08

A missing scene for To The Last Man, a mix of canon, and my story, The Torchwood Girls.

latest part of The Torchwood Girls, with links to previous parts and more art

Title - Pictures Tell Stories
Author - laurab1
Characters - Jack, Joan Redfern, OFCs, other (spoilers for ep 2.3)
Rating - PG
Length - ~250 words
Spoilers - TW: 2.3 To The Last Man, DW: 3.8/9 and 3.11-13
Summary - All of these women, so very long gone
Disclaimer: alas, some of these people are not mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Pictures Tell Stories
by Laura

Jack examined the photos and slides Ianto had taken out of the archives, and the memories came straight back.

Jennifer, Amy, Eleanor, Joan, Penny, Harriet; all of these women, so very long gone.

Harriet had slipped under the radar, initially, then Eleanor had remembered from her physics lectures how "bloody smart" the girl apparently was. She had suggested they obtain Harriet’s opinion on a piece of alien tech they were having difficulty categorising. They were so impressed with her, Joan and Eleanor had instead hired Harriet immediately, in June 1917.

Harriet Derbyshire had died on duty, in 1919; all of 26.

In 1920, when Oxford had finally decided to award degrees to women as well, Eleanor had collected her own, and Harriet’s posthumous degree. They’d all gone to Oxford for the day, and Jack had been so proud of these women, who’d kept Torchwood going. That same year, Jack had sent Joan to university, to train to be a doctor, just like he’d promised, back in 1913.

He didn’t want to think about how many boys she’d patched up and sent back, during those six long, dark years of World War II.

In 2008, they had a soldier to return to World War I, so he also could be patched up and sent back.

And so he could repair a time shift, and save the future.

“Good work, ladies,” Jack told the pictures, holding them by their edges, and placing them back in the acid free cardboard box.

“Time to save the world, again,” he said to himself, pushing away from his desk.



torchwood girls fic part to be reposted

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