Fic: Good to be Home

Jan 31, 2011 13:58

Title: Good to be Home
Author: laughter_now
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 7.555 words
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to the Star Trek franchise. I merely own this ever-sprawling 'verse I can't stop writing in.
Warnings: Sex. And schmoop. And a bit of frustration. Frustrated schmoopy sex, probably.
Summary: They say doctors make the worst patients. As far as ( Read more... )

absence-'verse, fanfic, fic: good to be home, star trek xi, rating: nc-17, kirk/mccoy, slash

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Comments 25

leonie_alastair January 31 2011, 13:13:11 UTC
Lovely! Thanks for the great start to my day!


laughter_now January 31 2011, 15:26:41 UTC
Glad to be of assistance. I'm really happy that you enjoyed this.


abigail89 January 31 2011, 13:59:24 UTC
I had to go back and re-read a few chapters to reacquaint myself with this. Not an entirely unpleasant situation at all...:D

Such warmth, affection and deep love between them. Such lovely, comfortable, hot sex. *SIGHS* A very nice way to get my day going.

So, so happy to have you back with us!


laughter_now January 31 2011, 15:29:21 UTC
*leans in closer*
To tell you a secret, I re-read the last few chapters as well, just to make sure I still remembered it right. ;-)
And I think I'm really developing a kink for loving, comfortable married!sex. There's just something about the boys being all domestic...
Thank you so much, it feels really good to be back around these parts.


avictoriangirl January 31 2011, 14:08:41 UTC
UNF. Hot and sweet, just the way I love it. ♥


laughter_now January 31 2011, 15:27:12 UTC
Thanks so much, I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it. :D


secretsolitaire January 31 2011, 14:16:36 UTC
Mmm, such a lovely scene!


laughter_now January 31 2011, 15:27:20 UTC
Thank you so much!


northernwalker January 31 2011, 17:18:25 UTC
I like to see Jim getting to take care of Bones, and you write it so very well!


laughter_now January 31 2011, 21:29:38 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it, I had fun writing the story.


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