Fic: Tribulation (3/?)

Jun 03, 2011 00:30

Title: Tribulation (3/?)
Author: laughsunshine 
Rating: PG for now. Perhaps NC-17 later on.
Disclaimer: I own nothing! I am just borrowing them.
Summary: An ongoing story about our favorite couple and a journey with their daughters. Can't share too much or I'll ruin it. ;)
FYI: Sofia is 7 and Becca (my made up daughter) is 5.

A/N: I posted part 1 directly on the ( Read more... )

fanfic: callie/arizona

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Comments 4

paboo21 June 3 2011, 21:49:44 UTC
Sad, and I hope that Sophia will be the exception and survive. Can't imagine what that would do to Callie and Arizona if she doesn't pull through. I don't want to say that I am enjoying this, because it's kinda sad. but I will continue to read, with hopes for a happy ending.


l_grisu June 16 2011, 14:37:14 UTC
I wanted to start reading but the link to your first chapter is not working. All I get is "Access is closed!".

Do I need to work some unknown magic? Please help a GA fiction addict in times of need:-)


laughsunshine June 23 2011, 07:38:40 UTC
Weird :/ I don't get that message. Are you in the Callie_Arizona community? It might be members only...


l_grisu June 27 2011, 13:51:03 UTC
yep, joining worked. Thank you very much.
Now I can concentrate on the next chapters:-) Bing them on!


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