No More Losing the War, a Supernatural Comment Fic

Sep 22, 2014 16:50

Title: No More Losing the War
Genre/pairing: Crack!fic, Schmoop, Family, Hurt/Comfort, Gen.
Word count: ~ 8,400
Summary: Season 6 AU. After Sam got his soul back, the brothers settled down. Still, old habits die hard and people tend to get suspicious when two attractive men who live together also happen to have strange hobbies.
Warnings: My usual ( Read more... )

limp!sam, supernatural, allergies, anaphylaxis, fic, comment fic meme, hospital, prompt, awesome!brothers, curtain fic, bigbro!dean, hurt/comfort

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Comments 10

zana_zira September 22 2014, 22:42:01 UTC
lauehime September 25 2014, 00:02:05 UTC
Wow thank you so much for the awesome feedback!!! <3 ( ... )


anonymous September 23 2014, 17:15:39 UTC
funny and sweet. I loved it. Thank you so much


lauehime September 24 2014, 23:50:53 UTC
Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it and I really appreciate the support :)


anonymous September 24 2014, 14:09:35 UTC
That was perfection. Plain and simple.
Absolutely loved it.

Please keep writing ;) And thanks for sharing this amazing story with us :D


lauehime September 24 2014, 23:50:15 UTC
Thank you so much!! Your words really made me smile. I'm very glad you liked it :)
Thank you <3


cowboyguy September 25 2014, 01:30:29 UTC
I feel terrible that it took me so long to comment on this. I was reading it on the shuttle bus back to my car after I got off a plane the other day, and haven't had a moment to sit down and comment until now.

Anyway, LOVED it! I love all of the banter, and all of the different excuses for why they have so much salt. And the prank war/making fun of each other feel to it. I miss those days! Thank you for taking my absolutely crazy prompt and making it awesome. :D


lauehime September 25 2014, 01:47:40 UTC
Hahaha thank you so much!! I'm so glad you liked it!! (Really, you don't have to apologize if you were so excited to read it, you did on the bus :D I do the same thing, anyway - I'll read a story and comment on it later when I want to give a good response so yeah, forgiven!!)

Thanks for the crazy prompt!! (You totally have the best prompts that pull me so far out my comfort zone of crazy that I'm totally happy I picked them afterwards!!) And pranks and banter are my favorite too (which fit so well with your prompts) so THANK YOU! That was so much fun to write :D

Now I'm totally smiling like a freaking lunatic! Thank you for that hahaha


evelyncarver October 7 2014, 20:58:18 UTC
I absolutely loved this! Sam putting Dean on the spot was great, Dean deserved it after all of times he got Sam. :) The caring brothers at the end, and Sam's allergic reaction to the mustard. I've had to use an EpiPen on someone else before and it was one of the most terrifying things I'd ever done.


lauehime October 8 2014, 01:26:54 UTC

Thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it. You're right, Dean got Sam so many times in all kinds of tricky places. I really had fun writing Sam's revenge :) And of course, I am a proud member of brotherly love for the win!! lol. Who isn't, right?! Thank you for reading!


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