Just in time for Christmas: Win an ARC of The Gardener!

Nov 21, 2009 12:27

With all the Christmas decorations stores have out, I'm feeling in the mood for presents. So here is a gift for you: the chance to win a seriously shiny new ARC of The Gardener.
A couple cool facts about the cover. The art is by Matt Mahurin. (Google him, he's very famous and cool, not to mention talented.) Second, The Gardener is the very first Feiwel and Friends ARC to ever include the cover art, and I'm very honored they chose my book to be the first.
The book will be released in June, so yes, this means you would get to read it six months before it comes out.
What is this YA about, you ask? A bit of the back cover copy:

Mason has never known his father, but longs to. All he has of him is a DVD of a man whose face is never seen, reading a children's book. One day, on a whim, he plays the DVD for a group of comatose teens at the nursing home where his mother works. One of them, a beautiful girl, responds.....

How do you win this puppy?

1. Post the info about this contest on your blog. Leave a comment letting me know.


2. Don't have a blog? Then answer this question: If you could have a garden that grows anything, what would you choose to have in yours?

( If you do both, I'll put your name in the proverbial hat twice.)

I'll take entries until December 15, so I can get the ARC mailed out to the winner in time for Christmas.

Good luck!!
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