OOM: Another night off

Mar 02, 2006 01:27

It's been so much better having Random staying nights at the bar. But it's not home anymore either and it's nice just to come back through the door to a place that's just theirs.

Ramon puts down the bag full of baby stuff he's carried through and holds the door open for Random.

'I think I want to get drunk tonight.'

smut, oom, schmoop, haven, random

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underwater_owl March 2 2006, 01:34:47 UTC

He walks through, baby in arms, smile on his face.

"Can't really join you, but I'll happily tie you to things when you do. Or sling you across the bed and do horribly nice things to you."

Either or.

"After bed-time, I mean."


underwater_owl March 3 2006, 01:43:34 UTC
"Yeah. You know that."

He angles his head, in an almost-apology.

"And I meant, I'll send him there when he's older. Much older. Eighteen. To start learning about his home properly, to walk the Pattern. The sorts of things he can't learn here. You do realize I'm going to be teaching, and talking to him in Thari a lot of the time, yeah?"


latino_menace March 3 2006, 02:09:36 UTC
'Oh, I thought you meant when he was still young.'

He doesn't comment on Random's possible leaving at some point. Because yeah, he knew that. And he knows there's nothing he'd be able to do to stop him, just as Random hadn't tried to stop him going home even when he might have died.

'So there's going to be the two of you chattering away and me not understanding a damn thing?' He rolls his eyes in mock-annoyance. 'Great. You'll be able to tell him all kinds of things about me and I wont know. And I can't even teach him Spanish or Portuguese as revenge. Damn you and your bilinguistic-ness.'


underwater_owl March 3 2006, 02:14:29 UTC
"Yeah. You could."

He closes his eyes, smiling to himself.

"If you wanted. Be good for him to speak Spanish. A life-skill, that. You can never know too many languages."


latino_menace March 3 2006, 02:21:11 UTC
Ramon pokes him in the side. 'What are you grinning about?'

He picks up his drink and pours virtually the whole of it straight down his throat. And then says, in a slightly doubtful tone of voice, 'I suppose I could. Or just speak it around here and he'll pick it up. If you wanted.'


underwater_owl March 3 2006, 02:31:38 UTC
"It'd be fun. And he'll pick things up like a sponge at this age."

His grin doesn't go away, but his hands adjust on Martin.

"I'm not grinning. I'm just... basking. And I like this song."



latino_menace March 3 2006, 02:35:59 UTC
'Basking. Hmfph. You're like a cat in the sun.'

Ramon holds him tighter. This is one of his favourite things ever, holding Random against him like this and just being together. He glances at the TV.

'Racket. What's happening?'


underwater_owl March 3 2006, 02:38:19 UTC
"They're tango-ing."

Mmmm. Basking is most definitely the right word.

"And I'm the cat? Mister 'Give my lover a heartattack by tackling him onto the bed'?"


latino_menace March 3 2006, 02:42:11 UTC
He snickers and presses a kiss to his neck.

'Well, I'm the real thing. You just have the characteristics of one sometimes.'

There's a glance at the baby and then a suggestive nuzzle.

'Speaking of tackling you onto beds, isn't the boy sleepy yet?'


underwater_owl March 3 2006, 02:55:04 UTC
"Copying is the most sincere form of flattery?"

He stretches, then peers down at the boy. Who...

"...needs to be changed. I'll go do that, take care of the bedtime routine, then put him down. Back in a while, okay?"

Won't be long.


latino_menace March 3 2006, 02:59:56 UTC

He rolls his eyes but releases his hold on him and stretches for the scotch.

'I'll just distract myself until you get back then.' First order of business will be turning the god-awful movie off. 'Maybe I won't drink the whole bottle though.'


'Want to be sure I can still get it up, y'know?'



underwater_owl March 3 2006, 03:03:15 UTC
"You'd bloody better be able to."

He shakes his head at him, rolling his eyes affectionately and wandering towards the bedroom.

"After all this. So hands off the bottle."


latino_menace March 3 2006, 03:07:44 UTC
'Never been a problem before!' he calls after him, and pours himself another hefty measure with a grin.

Well, it hasn't.

Five minutes passes and he's losing some of his restlessness because alcohol mixed with vicodin is kind of a knockout combo. There's a scoot down the sofa until he's lying almost flat and he stares blankly at the now-muted TV.

'Done yet baby?'

...but still awake enough to be a pain in the ass, obviously.


underwater_owl March 3 2006, 03:10:18 UTC

It's annoyed. Because when you're putting a baby to sleep, loud noises are not what you want to hear.

But it only takes him a bit longer. Five, ten minutes.

And then Random walks back in.


latino_menace March 3 2006, 03:13:27 UTC
Ramon's pouting into his glass. Possibly feigned, possibly not.


Possibly meant, possibly not.


underwater_owl March 3 2006, 03:21:21 UTC
"Says the man who's apparently too drunk to fuck me."

He makes a face at him.

"Come up to bed?"



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