OOM: Another night off

Mar 02, 2006 01:27

It's been so much better having Random staying nights at the bar. But it's not home anymore either and it's nice just to come back through the door to a place that's just theirs.

Ramon puts down the bag full of baby stuff he's carried through and holds the door open for Random.

'I think I want to get drunk tonight.'

smut, oom, schmoop, haven, random

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underwater_owl March 2 2006, 01:34:47 UTC

He walks through, baby in arms, smile on his face.

"Can't really join you, but I'll happily tie you to things when you do. Or sling you across the bed and do horribly nice things to you."

Either or.

"After bed-time, I mean."


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 12:46:58 UTC
"I won't."

Screech and wear a wig?


But he does come and sit with him, leaning back and carefully adjusting Martin in his arms.

"I promise."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 16:39:59 UTC
Ramon wraps an arm round him and rests his chin on his shoulder while the movie is glared at.

'So is it you?'

The screeching, wig-wearing man that looks like Random slams the door and leaves the screen. Ramon is quite relieved about this.

'I didn't know you did movies.'


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 21:48:49 UTC
"That's one of the ineffable mysteries of life. Right up there with creationism."

In that it isn't.

"You'll just have to wonder."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 21:56:58 UTC

Ramon chuckles and buries his face in his neck.

'I'll wonder for ages if you don't tell me. That's not fair.'

A hand creeps round to carefully take one of Martin's wrists, so that he can wave the baby's hand at his father.

'I'm sure your son would like to know too, right? C'mon baby, spill.'


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 21:59:18 UTC
"Mmmm, no."

He relaxes back against Ramon, and Martin burbles, latching on to Ramon's fingers and examining. As babies are wont to do.

"How else will I pass myself off as a man of international mystery?"


latino_menace March 2 2006, 22:05:57 UTC
He doesn't pull the hand away, lets Martin do as he likes while laying a kiss on Random's cheek and trying not to laugh.

'International man of mystery? Well, I'm happy for everyone else to think of you that way - only, actually, no I'm not because mystery is sexy. Well...OK, it's alright for people to think you're sexy, because you are. But that's not my point! You're supposed to tell me these things otherwise it's not fair.'

He rather feels his logic has ninja powers.

'I'd tell you if I'd been in a movie.'



underwater_owl March 2 2006, 22:11:53 UTC
"Oh, really."

He drawls it, glancing back over his shoulder before turning back to the film.

"I made you popcorn. Now hush and watch the movie. The best song's coming up soon."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 22:19:47 UTC
'Which one's that? Why is it good?'

Ramon? Not that good with sitting still and watching movies. And anyway, he doesn't like musicals much, or love stories. Moulin Rouge is a little beyond him.

Still, he stays quiet for a bit. And then points at Satine after her 'Diamonds' number.

'She's hot. Would you have her?'


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 22:23:31 UTC

He shrugs, and shakes his head, after a moment.

"She'd lie. Absolutely. About every intake of breath. I could never abide a liar in bed. Not about something as simple as sex."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 22:26:10 UTC

Ramon's quiet while he thinks about that, gazing blankly at the TV.

'Is that why you don't like hookers in general?'

Ew. Baby's trying to chew his finger. Yuk. He pulls it back.


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 22:34:05 UTC

He offers Martin his own hand instead. To be chewed on or not, he doesn't really mind.

"Sex envolves two people for a reason. If I wanted someone to fake a moan at an appropriate moment I'd get a tape recorder and go at it with my left hand."


latino_menace March 2 2006, 22:43:14 UTC
'Left hand? Have to be different, don't you?'

He smiles and kisses his cheek again, then reaches for his glass of scotch.

'They don't always fake it, y'know?'

Yeah, he really believes that. And maybe it's true, who knows? Ramon then laughs and gestures to the TV again.

'Guy's hot too. Would you have him? He's not a hooker.'


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 22:44:57 UTC
"Hmmm. Oh, in a second."

Yeah. That he could deal with.

"Bit whiny though."

Just a little.


latino_menace March 2 2006, 22:49:13 UTC
Well. That earns him a prod in the ribs.

'You would? Why?'

Christian is stared - and indeed, glared - at.

'What's he got that's so good?'

Yes yes, he knows he asked. He's not sure whether he'd expected Random to say yes.


underwater_owl March 2 2006, 22:54:55 UTC
"Well, you did ask."

After a moment, he considers the question.

"Seriously? I think he's cute. Pretty eyes. Nice voice. Not a bad dancer. Got the cute little 'innocent' thing going on. He'd be honest."

His lips curl in a smile.

"You put him to shame."


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