Early voting is upon us (started October 18). Most of us don't know jack about the judicial seats. Well, I got a little insight every goddamn judicial bench that's on the chopping block this election. I found a website hosted by the Nevada Action Coalition, an ultra-conservative, anti-immigrant PAC that provided a list of candidates they endorse - a definitive guide of who NOT!!! to vote for if you care about anything resembling progressive ideology:
http://www.nvaction.com/judge08.html Again, this is a list of judges, a lot of them incumbents who get good write-ups from the media, who are, in the words of the site are, "the most conservative valued judge who we felt would protect law abiding citizens from the law breakers among us." Everyone with a pulse and a progressive mind knows exactly what that means. Here are the selections I made on my sample ballot:
President/V-P: Obama/Biden (duh!)
Rep, Congress, Dist. 1 - Shelley Berkley
State Senate District 4 - Steven Horsford
State Assembly District 6 - Harvey Munford
County Commission District D - Lawrence Weekly
"Non-Partisan" (cough*bullshit*cough) Offices:
Supreme Court Justice, Seat B - Deborah Schumacher
Supreme Court Justice, Seat D - Tom Christensen
District Court Judge Dept 6 - Benjamin Boone Childs
District Court Judge Dept 7 - Robert Spretnak
District Court Judge Dept 8 - Josh Kunis
District Court Judge Dept 10 - Jessie Walsh
District Court Judge Dept 12 - Kurt Harris
District Court Judge Dept 14 - Chris Davis
District Court Judge Dept 17 - Bruce Gale
District Court Judge Dept 22 - Donn Ianuzzi
District Court Judge Dept 23 - Jason Landess
District Court Judge Dept 25 - Kathleen Delaney
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept G - Amy Mastin
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept I - Greta Muirhead
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept J - Lisa Kent
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept K - Vincent Ochoa (NVA's endorsement isn't on the ballot)
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept L - Dawn Thorne
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept N - Matthew Harter (NVA's endorsement isn't on the ballot)
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept O - Ron Israel
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept P - Jack Howard
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept Q - Carl Piazza
Dist Court, Family Div, Dept R - Chuck Hoskin (opponent also endorsed by freepers)
Member, State Board of Ed, Dist 3 - Willia Chaney (endorsed by DNC)
Trustee, Clack County School District C - Matthew Ronan (endorses Obama, endorsed by Teamsters Local 14, opponent endorsed by establishment)
Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Township, Dept 12 - Steve Smith
Statewide Ballot Questions:
Question 1: Shall the NV Constitution be amended to eliminate the requirement that a resident must be here for six months before they can vote?
Yes. This was shot down by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Question 2: UPDATE: I misunderstood this question to mean the opposite of what it actually does. This is an attempt to make it easier impossible for private companies to use imminent domain as a guise to acquire personal property from people for private use. It will give people the power to negotiate terms for the acquisition of their property.
Question 3: Would amend the constitution to ensure more accountability for entities filing for tax exemption.
Question 4: Contains two provisions. First, it seeks to authorize the state legislature to bypass popular vote when it comes to implementing federal-level tax rules. Second, it seeks to repeal an unapplied exemption of tax (from this act) on aircraft and aircraft parts.
No. Such a measure would give the federal government too much power. Concerning the aircraft, people who purchase aircraft and aircraft parts have to pay sales tax regardless.
Question 5. Would require the gaming industry to cough up 3 percent (via hotel and motel room taxes) of their exorbitant profits to avoid funding cuts in education (we already have a paltry budget as it is) and to be used in the long run to continue to fund education.
Yes. Not yes, but hell yes. 3% won't even knock a dent in the profits the gaming industry rakes in every year. Even if their greedy asses pass on the cost to their customers, I seriously doubt an extra three bucks on a $100 room fare will keep tourists away. This is Vegas. Folks come here to spend money. What's another three dollars?
There you have it, folks. Vote wisely.