Upcoming Flood Plottings and Pairings Reminder!

Aug 26, 2010 22:33

Are we ready for some FUN after our wondrously fun and traumatizing port? WELL, Saturday through Monday (Aug 28-30) will be the ROM-COM FLOOD!

Yes, Rom-Com. As in Romantic Comedies. You all know these movies, where things inexplicably fall into place to help the guy get the girl, and happy endings are a guarantee! The Barge will be playing Cupid for three days! BASICALLY, anything cliche goes!

Here are some ideas/examples of things that might happen:

- The CES only changes to romantic settings, like sunsets on the beach and that kind of thing.
- Weird coincidences happen constantly, like people reaching for the same book because there's only one copy left, or things like laundry getting mixed up because two people needed a machine.
- Romantic messages and symbols, like love hearts and XOXOXO-type stuff randomly appears on things people hand to other people, like the food coming out of the kitchen or library books.
- Settings change, like, all the single chairs are replaced by loveseat couches, forcing people to sit together.
- The numbers on cabin doors constantly change, so people end up opening the door to someone else's cabin instead of their own.
-The lift between floors stops randomly whenever two people are in it.
-Two people wind up randomly locked in closets.

No memories will be altered, but if you choose to have your character's personality affected to suit the flood, have at it! HOWEVER, keep in mind that this is NOT a love flood. It won't make your characters fall in love with each other! It will only alter personalities to suit Rom-Com stereotypes: for example, women are suddenly jealous of other women, and GEEKS ARE SUDDENLY SEXY! Some folks will be inexplicably chipper (or clumsy) and others will feel the compulsion to urge their buds to talk to the girl!

ALSO: WARDEN/INMATE PAIRINGS ARE POSTED ON MONDAY THE 30TH. Go finalize your pairings! There are lots of unpaired wardens and inmates to choose from! ALSO, be sure to check to make sure your warden/inmate hasn't left the game. There are several unpaired characters who have not replied to the post.


plot, mod note

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