Anyone Wanna Get Messed Up?

Dec 09, 2011 00:47

Volunteers wanted for a mini-plot for the flood. Inquire within!

Okay, so Sergeant Harris has been hypnotized by Narvinektralonum, Narvin's evil historical counterpart. And because Narvinektralonum's a twisted, morally bankrupt fellow, he's more or less putting Harris to work as his slave. And by 'put to work' I mean 'siccing him on random Bargelings for little more than his personal amusement'. He's allowed Harris just enough freedom to be aware of what he's doing, but no freedom to disobey him, or even to voice disobedience.

So what I'm looking for are people who want to have their characters roughed up a little. Doesn't matter how - Harris can simply fight them, gladiator style, or he can jump them from behind and mess them up that way, or he can capture and interrogate them for anything Narv might wanna know. Harris is a Marine with combat experience under his belt so he'll be a reasonably tough customer, though someone with, say, Buffy or Rayne's level of skill could take him.

Eventually, Kay's gonna cotton to what Narvin's counterpart is up to and step in to end things. There'll be a brief fight, which'll end with Narvinektralonum down for the count and Harris freed and plenty horrified by all the shit Narv made him do. And then he might have time to make up for it a little before he disappears. :c

So if you're interested, comment here and we'll set something up.

plot, plot development thread

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