Hahaa. :|

Dec 09, 2011 21:19

So you know what's awesome, TLV? When your internet decides not to work for a few days for no freaking reason just as the DDOS stuff starts clearing itself up. Yeah. That's just totally SUPER awesome. Ugh. :| So anyway, now I'm playing catch up; I'll get on Alex's tags and stuff now, then get my other dudes into gear (except maybe Peace, as Jack has also asked me to say she's on slowatus while she's away on holiday in a hotel with crappy wifi) and see if I can work out flood stuff or not. I think most likely? They're (or at least the big man is) going to be stuck in comas still, because apparently Perry can't catch a break. He's going to wake up to find Arthur gone and be pissed soon, I promise. I may have Thom be someone from his history because Mastiff just came out recently and was awesome and I need to do shit with him. ANYHOW, if you want to hit me up for anything/point me towards stuff/yell at me, please do so.

To any and all new folk, I'm Jessi, one of the mods and player of a bunch of dudes who are mostly terrible. I'm jessihoney18 on AIM and ajessiaday on plurk if you want to chat/plot/ask me anything.
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