Guys, I want a castle.

Dec 09, 2011 13:14

Hey TLV, it's Gwen, bringing in another character into the game due to poor self control. And, shockingly, he is not a warden or a grouchy teenage boy, which... seems to have been my trope over the last few months. :V

But yes. Inmate Number #2 is Flynn Rider, also known as Eugene Fitzherbert, also known as that badass derp from Tangled. He is coming in from literally the first 19 minutes of the film, right after being clubbed in the head with a frying pan, and is kind of an arrogant dick. His app is in his journal for the curious and I am super excited to have him here.

I will be introing once the flood is over/more people add him, so in the mean time, please hover/friend add tooscaredtoask

ETA: HERE is his intro. :D

friend add

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