Hello there, dear Bargelings! Firstly, (now that you're all reassured that "endgame" DOESN'T actually mean we're ending the entire game, whoops) just note that the endgame of the
Pleased to Meet You event has been extended by a day, as it was quite rightly pointed out that a lot of people aren't around on the actual night of Halloween, so we'll be wrapping it up on the 1st of November. The
calendar has been changed to reflect that.
We hope you're all having fun with the Barge's creepy new atmosphere, because it's time to add to it! From now, a few more things are going to start happening in addition to the voices, the deck remodel and the mysteriously locking doors, and those things are:
1) Lights will start flickering, in all different areas throughout the Barge. Sometimes they'll only flicker once, sometimes they'll go dead for minutes before coming back on. This is completely unpredictable and irregular-- you might walk from the first floor to the fifth without a problem, then find the entire sixth floor flickering.
2) Occasionally you might catch a glimpse of something from out of the corner of your eye. It looks sort of like a person. Something's wrong with their face. They're just standing there, completely still, staring at you. Watching you. You may feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, or your skin prickling. But whenever you work up the courage to turn around and actually try to get a better look at who or whatever it was, it'll be gone.
3) And finally, the communicators will begin to malfunction sporadically, in a number of ways. Your journal might turn on and broadcast without you touching it. Maybe parts of whatever you try to post come out garbled or filled with static or whispers. When you try to filter an entry or send a private, it might end up filtering to the wrong people or sending it out as public. Maybe when you go to listen to the entries on the network, all you hear is white noise or high-pitched whining.
These things don't necessarily have to happen to everybody, and they probably won't all happen at once. Mix it up and have fun; we've got lots more to come! As always, if you've got any questions or comments, feel free to post them here.