Oct 02, 2011 02:05

Greetings, fellow Bargelings! We're posting here to make you aware that our Calendar has been updated with new colors, so hopefully the events are much more visible now. Our final event, titled "Pleased to Meet You" will take place in the last week of the month. You may think events are sparse in October but that's because there will be little things going on over the Barge for all of the month, which are building up to this, and have been for a few months already. But upcoming stuff, NOT LIMITED TO:

Seasonal changes. And not the usual kind. Usually, at this time of year, it's gotten much cooler on the main deck, and colored leaves will often begin to fall, despite the absence of trees.

THIS YEAR, it's a little different.

People up on the main deck will begin to notice that sometimes, leaves will fall. But they're wholly dead, brown and sometimes blackened. The odd flutter of something light and fluffy seems to drift in the air, but it's not smoke when it rubs off black on your fingers -- it's ash.

The deck itself now looks rusted over and dilapidated, like it's been abandoned in the water for ages. The greenhouses are untouched, and a safe haven from the inescapable feeling that this area is essentially like a graveyard. Odd noises on the wind can perhaps be heard, hard to identify, but not un-akin to voices. At night, shadows have a tendency to take deceptive shapes. Things seem to move out of the corner of the eye, and it's so quiet you might begin to doubt you can hear anything at all until something falls or creaks...or even speaks.

Doors will be continuing to lock without warning, with an added bonus. VERY SELDOMLY, but with increasing frequency over the next couple weeks, your character might find themselves locked outside of a room -- whether it's a public facility like the bathrooms, or the library, or maybe their own cabin, and when they try the door? Something on the other side will jiggle the handle, or throw itself against the door, causing it to shake. You will find nothing telling inside once it finally decides to open, if you choose to open it at all, after that.

More changes to come, and we'll keep you posted! Questions welcome!

plot, mod note

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