Ivy's CES Adventure!

Nov 14, 2011 20:46

Who: Poison Ivy, Kirk, Black Jack, Rex, Prefect, Hoffman, Ariadne; later Gaheris, Dick, Stildyne, Narvin, Will
When: Tuesday afternoonish
Where: The CES
What: Ivy attempts to conquer the CES.  And fails.  Obvs.
Notes: I'll be rounding up all the relevant threads up here but I won't put up the takedown thread until a little while after her network post ( Read more... )

gaheris rhade, chief stildyne, rex lewis/cobra commander, captain james t. kirk, black jack, mark hoffman, pamela isley/poison ivy, will graham, prefect, narvin, dick grayson, ariadne

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Comments 105

Kirk - Deck chlorophylliac November 14 2011, 20:50:57 UTC
Ivy had awoken in furious rage - Harley's betrayal still ringing in her ears - but the briefest few moments of exploration had yielded the fact that she was neither in Arkham nor at home, even though the room she'd left behind was almost exactly as she'd left it in the house she shared with Harley and Selina. 'Almost' because her chemistry equipment and her less benign plants had vanished.

Worse than that, the Green was silent to her. Even those shrubs and flowers she had left responded only weakly to her touch but she knew instinctively that that sluggishness wasn't them: it was her.

She found the communicator in her room shortly afterwards and paged through the archives, availing herself of the confusion of others to learn where she was. The Barge: a ship that existed in the gaps between worlds, for the express purpose of redemptionIt was the most outlandish of her prisons so far, but not by too much ( ... )


Re: Kirk - Deck captain_jtkirk November 14 2011, 22:13:47 UTC
Jim turned slightly at the sound of footsteps, smiling at the woman like he would smile at a girl in a bar. Because she was pretty and he was James Kirk and being a flirt was sort of an integral part of his personality.

"Hi," he said, turning more to face her. "I'm going to throw a guess out there and say that you're new."


chlorophylliac November 14 2011, 22:23:45 UTC
That smile. She hated him on sight. It would have given her an intense, vivid satisfaction to wrap him up in vines and toss him overboard into whatever void awaited below - but it wouldn't help. That particular want had to bubble under, for now. Better to know first if he was a resource or an annoyance.

Her toxins could be kept in check just as easily as the natural tone of her skin. She held out a hand, offered a smile that was just on the interested side of courteous.

"You'd be right. Paula Irving. The Admiral's latest hire, I should think."


captain_jtkirk November 14 2011, 22:26:37 UTC
If Kirk noticed how icy she was being, he didn't make any indication of it. Though he really would still be acting the same if she responded warmly too. "Jim Kirk," he answered, taking her hand and shaking it lightly. "Where do you hail from?"


Prefect chlorophylliac November 14 2011, 20:51:17 UTC
By this time, Ivy had abandoned all pretence of normality and was leading Kirk around by - well, not the hand exactly. Her wrist was loosely cuffed to his with a few strands of vine. It was more to keep him within range than anything, now she'd had the opportunity to test the effectiveness of her pheromones.

The entrance had been - mostly - blocked off. Now it was a matter of rounding up potential troublemakers who had already been in the CES when she arrived. The first she came across was a man in a suit, who was...apparently, making a contribution in the form of a rather potbound rose bush.

He seemed engaged in the task, still beyond the range of her pheromones. She cleared her throat.

"Roses take to more alkaline soil than you can give them here."


Prefect buywithme November 14 2011, 22:07:15 UTC
Prefect was lowering the rose bush into the small hole he'd dug, and doing his level best not to get any soil on himself in the process. He glanced up at the sound of Ivy addressing him.

"Oh?" He looked down at the hole with some obvious misgivings, he really didn't want to have to dig another one, "I'm not very good at nature, Sister." He eased the rose bush down carefully, like he was worried about breaking it, then turned to face her.

"Could you reccommend an alternative loca-- Hello Brother!"

The sight of Kirk had abruptly switched Prefect's expression from one of neutral goodwill, to one of JOYFUL RECOGNITION.


Prefect chlorophylliac November 14 2011, 22:13:23 UTC
Kirk didn't even respond. Ivy was capable of using more discretion in the application of her pheromones, but right now she was wielding them like a blunt instrument - her new companion was deaf to any voice but hers.

"He isn't available right now." She cast a half-smile Kirk's way, the same sort of detached pride one might feel for a particularly well-trained animal.


Prefect buywithme November 14 2011, 22:29:47 UTC
Well, that wasn't normal, Prefect frowned, and took a couple of steps back, because, seriously, Kirk had a gun, if whoever this was had successfully beaten him... somehow... then Prefect really didn't stand much chance. He stared at Ivy mistrustfully, eyes flicking from her to Kirk and back again.

"Is he... hurt, at all, Sister?"


Hoffman chlorophylliac November 14 2011, 20:51:34 UTC
She found the next one asleep under a tree and reached out, vines stretching from her wrists to comb across his face. He was vulnerable, and in her low-boiling anger she would have liked to kill him, but he was more useful currency alive. Kirk and Prefect stood behind her, flanking her like bodyguards, obviously dazed.


Re: Hoffman expectremorse November 14 2011, 20:56:54 UTC
Hoffman was dreaming.

In his dreams, Sarah was with him and she was telling him to let go and that it was all right (but it was rather hard to focus when he had felt so safe with her.) He'd been lost and wandered into the CES to try and calm himself down before sleeping-wrapped in his coat and inhaling fragrant flowers all night had been...the best night's sleep he'd ever had.

He was picturing other good nights that he could have and things he could do when Sarah's fingers reached down again and they were rougher. Another name crossed his mind and he blinked-sleepily.

Then sat up straight. Isn't that...What on earth..

His heart began to beat a little faster. Those are vines. And who was that there?


chlorophylliac November 14 2011, 21:05:40 UTC
Her vines crept around his neck, circling his throat, not squeezing - she'd learnt they had kept most of their tensile strength but lost most of their ability to constrict without a helping hand.

She watched him, expression cold, as he came to.

"Get up."


expectremorse November 14 2011, 21:08:32 UTC
You have me at a distinct disadvantage seems kind of...wrong to say. He remembered talking to David then. The best thing you can do is stay alive. That's all I need to focus on.

A flash of very real anger crept up his neck and he started to climb to his feet, raising a hand to rub sleep from his eyes. He lowered it and raised his other hand, palm out with the vines around his neck.



Ariadne chlorophylliac November 14 2011, 20:52:09 UTC
At the height of her powers, she wouldn't have had to move an inch. The moment she'd had one hostage she could have sent him to neutralise the others; she could have filled the whole of this place with her pheromones, compelled them to come to her like bees to an open blossom. This was drudgery of a sort that she had never truly experienced; she was used to having all of her powers or none at all.

At least the plants she could touch still spoke to her. By the time she found Ariadne she had quite the procession following her - Prefect, Kirk, Hoffman, Rex - but that didn't even register as unusual to her. Men were so easily tempted to follow her wherever she went.


Re: Ariadne buildindreemz November 15 2011, 01:23:27 UTC
Ariadne was attempting, as a sort of mind exercise, to manipulate the environment in the CES. She'd been told it was possible to do it, but it felt different than manipulating a dream. And, ever-curious, Ariadne wanted to test the limits of this ability. Try to ascertain where the differences were, and what kind of boundaries were set.

So far, it seemed to be limited primarily to the "natural" aspects of the environment, though she did manage a park bench after a while. She figured it would be all but impossible to actually form a building in here.

There were some voices in the distance, coming a little closer. She didn't want to eavesdrop on a private conversation (she wasn't that nosy), so she announced herself before letting them get much closer. "Hello? Nice day, huh? Good weather we're having." Joke. It was a joke, okay?


chlorophylliac November 15 2011, 02:02:54 UTC
A girl. Ivy was starting to wonder where they'd all been hiding. And although she had some sympathy for a young woman who clearly didn't recognise the inherent danger of a given situation, well...she hadn't enough to risk letting her go and tell tales before the time was right.

"What's your name?"


buildindreemz November 15 2011, 03:14:42 UTC
Oh, someone she didn't recognize.

Also, she was green. Well, okay then. Not the strangest thing she'd seen here so far. "Ariadne. You new here?"


Black Jack chlorophylliac November 14 2011, 20:52:55 UTC
She was sure it was done. Within sight of the enforested door to the CES, she sat, surrounded by her new retinue, her vines loosely tangled around wrists and ankles to keep them close. She had no intent on keeping them - not all of them - so long as what happened next could be kept civil. As for the others, well. There was nothing to miss about the sunless tomb below them.

She went still at the sound nearby and rose, Kirk's 'borrowed' phaser to hand; her eyes narrowed at the sight of the scarred dark-haired man appearing from behind a copse of trees.


Re: Black Jack dark_surgeonx November 14 2011, 23:55:07 UTC
Black Jack had decided that he needed to get away from his usual routine of either being in his cabin, the Infirmary, or the pub so he had chosen to make use of the CES for a nice, long walk. He was more than a little surprised to arrive at the door to find it, not only obstructed by an unfamiliar woman, but for said woman to be holding some kind of weapon and holding hostages.

"Who are you?"


chlorophylliac November 15 2011, 00:12:26 UTC
Slightly exhausted by the effort of constantly pumping out pheromones - she could feel her metabolism adjusting, but it was slow going - she was no longer in any mood to mince words.

"I'm Poison Ivy. And you're trespassing."


dark_surgeonx November 15 2011, 01:41:23 UTC
"Trespassing how, exactly? This area's open to pretty much everyone." Well, those with permission anyways.


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