
Oct 21, 2011 20:33

Who: Hannibal Lecter, guest starring the T-X Unit, Will Graham, and YOU
What: A refined look at the City of Lights
Where: An out-of-the-way art gallery, a tailor's, Notre Dame and the Catacombs...and all over
When: All Port long
Warnings: Probably some morbid conversation.

It was not Paris on his own terms, exactly, but it was still Paris. )

t-x, will graham, hannibal lecter

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Comments 21

First evening: Ravenna Fine Art, Quartier Latin cannibalmind October 22 2011, 03:35:40 UTC
First stop was a gallery owned by a distant cousin that had been intended to stay in the family and might yet. He deliberately came about half an hour before closing, intending to look around for a familiar--if aged--face. His cousin had had two young sons...someone must have taken it over.


Second Afternoon: Tailor shop, Quartier Latin cannibalmind October 22 2011, 03:45:41 UTC
"No, no, no. Plebians shop off the rack. Gentlemen make certain that they always have at least one good tailored suit." He held the door on the way in.


Second Afternoon: Tailor shop, Quartier Latin grahamcommawill October 22 2011, 04:07:52 UTC
How was he talked into this, again? The exact details were vague. Somehow asking his only classy acquaintance for directions ended up with him accompanying said not-friend to a tailor shop. Next port? He was going to request a map.

"What good is a tailored suit going to do me? It would be the least worn item in my closet. You do realize that, right?"


Second Afternoon: Tailor shop, Quartier Latin cannibalmind October 22 2011, 20:32:20 UTC
"There are few circumstances so embarrassing as being in a situation which requires formal dress and having nothing available. You'll thank me eventually, I guarantee it." He waved over the tailor as they came in and spoke to him in rapid French, drawing him into a conversation that soon had him smiling and nodding. "This one first," he said, pointing Will out.


grahamcommawill October 26 2011, 15:13:39 UTC
Will looked between the two uncertainly as they spoke in French. Oh, great. A different language was never good, he's learned from experience.

"Somehow I doubt that," he said in resignation as the tailor whisked him away in a flurry of movements Will would swear was supernatural. The measurements were nearly as fast, though still uncomfortable for him. It was an invasion of space he detested, and the odd feeling of being a doll.


Second Evening: Notre Dame Cathedral cannibalmind October 22 2011, 03:49:01 UTC
Hannibal did not have time or room in the crowded Cathedral to actually sketch the interior. Instead he moved around it, examining intensely every bit of it he could and committing his examinations to memory.


Second Evening: Notre Dame Cathedral justareverie October 22 2011, 16:04:25 UTC
John was feeling absent-minded and seeking distance from the crowded night city life, and the Notrê Dame cathedral was one of the places he'd made a mental note to visit.

Both days he'd felt more fidgety than observing, so even if it was crowded, he appreciated that the inmense place overwhelmed him a little with its solemnity. He was looking in amazement at the Great Organ and the stained glass over it when he noticed a face that was not entirely unknown to him. Had he seen that man around the Barge? John narrowed his eyes thoughtfully as he stared trying to give him a name, the thought that the man may find it rude not actually crossing his mind.


Second Evening: Notre Dame Cathedral cannibalmind October 22 2011, 22:24:18 UTC
Hannibal noticed the fellow giving him a "do I know you" sort of look, neither subtle nor overly prying. He was not in the habit of removing his hat for religious institutions, any more than he was for libraries, so he tugged his hatbrim in greeting as he strolled over.

"Lovely evening for it, is it not?"


Second Evening: Notre Dame Cathedral justareverie October 24 2011, 07:01:47 UTC
Seeing his impression confirmed, John smiled greetingly, still without being able to confirm the stranger's name.

"As any," He replied in a hush. "Although I wish I'd gotten here a little sooner," He gave a longing look to the dim stained glass, which he was sure must be amazing in the daylight.


Third Afternoon: Catacombs beneath Paris cannibalmind October 22 2011, 03:50:56 UTC
His real desire was to leave the tour group and start exploring. But he did not know if his Warden would agree. He finally decided to compromise by asking her. It would be much easier to memorize the place without enduring the tour guide's sloppy French.


All Port: Anywhere cannibalmind October 22 2011, 03:52:39 UTC
Hannibal is on his best behavior. It's Paris after all, and one must be a gentleman here!


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