
Oct 21, 2011 21:07

Who: Miss Parker and you.
Where: All over Paris, with some suggestions/closed threads tossed in.
When: All weekend
Warnings: Parker is still her own warning label, right?
Notes: Old and new CR welcome! New CR makes me happy!

john connor, gaius baltar, miss parker, a day in the life

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Comments 84

Thursday afternoon-Atia you_run_i_chase October 22 2011, 01:13:18 UTC
Atia hopefully will come over and take a look in Parker's closet for some modern clothing that would work until they got to take the Admiral's credit card for a ride.


Friday during the day. you_run_i_chase October 22 2011, 01:14:10 UTC
You know what's awesome? Clothing shopping and Parker needs a new, modern wardrobe.


Friday during the day. lovefornature October 22 2011, 08:49:34 UTC
Cassie stood outside the window of one of the fancy clothing boutiques, dressed in some jeans and plain shirt, a coffee cup clasp in one hand and her head tilted to the side with indecision.

She looked lost, uncertain, completely out of her element--and it's clear that she hasn't really set foot inside a store like this very often, if at all. She's never really bothered to, in the past. But now, she looks determined to figure this out and find something to buy.


you_run_i_chase October 22 2011, 19:28:32 UTC
Parker had been avoiding the network for obvious reasons with all the shit going around, but working the dinner shift meant that she at least knew what people aboard the Barge looked like.

Because the girl looked familiar, and out of her element, Parker paused. The woman always had a near-pathological need to help teenagers. (Parker blamed Debbie and her mother.) "Just go in, the card will make it so they'll kiss your ass all over the fucking place."


lovefornature October 23 2011, 02:42:09 UTC
Her head turned towards the woman when she spoke, and Cassie offered a warm smile in return. The mention of the card must've meant that she was from the Barge as well, which was a little nice to hear.

Cassie nodded. "Yeah, I figured. I'm just not really sure what exactly I should buy, or if this would be the right store to go to. My friend is totally into all this high fashion stuff like this, and I wanted to get her something nice." The look on her face reads a little like but I'm lost with this sort of stuff.


Friday night you_run_i_chase October 22 2011, 01:14:32 UTC
A night on the town, and rather a little drunk.


A BAR. IN PARIS. to_be_caprican October 22 2011, 02:35:27 UTC
The court yard allowed for smoking.

So this was where Gaius chose to be once he'd sent the address of the place through to Parker. He was in good spirits, having changed into recently purchased clothing for the evening, drinking wine quasi-steadily if pacing himself throughout the day in between the purchasing of things and eating. A new pair of stupidly expensive sunglasses hung from his collar, shoes polished to a brilliant shine, and a lit cigarette wedged at his knuckle.

It was mostly a cocktail bar, despite the fact he had proposed 'dinner'. It was also decidedly unFrancophile, despite everything, because Gaius couldn't tell the difference, but this did mean that the light food it did carry were inexplicable fusion-type affairs, European and Asian both. The nightlife was more or less native, the air mingled in conversation both English and French.

"I like the jacket," he thought to inform John Connor, who had (perhaps wisely) given him free rein to pick the venue.


metallonkardia October 22 2011, 02:42:33 UTC

Wisely indeed, as John had no idea what, why, where - anything, really, and it'd been a fluke to find out they were heading in the same (social) direction. Doubts lingered in his head over the impulsiveness in which he volunteered to go, but despite not having ever met in her in person before, he figured Parker would give him shit if he balked on it.

An eyebrow quirk is all Gaius got for a moment; John, too, was sporting new clothes. (Couldn't very well walk around in full fatigues and gear, and it was all he owned.)

"I'll trust your judgment."


you_run_i_chase October 22 2011, 03:24:37 UTC
Sometimes the thing you needed to do most was engage in a bit of retail therapy. Or in Parker's case, a shit-ton of retail therapy. She'd gone a bit wild to update the wardrobe for both herself and her inmate, and now she was ready to blow off as much steam as she could before they all ended up back on the good ship fuck-you-a-lot.

Parker had been expecting the venue to be not really food related, and she wasn't surprised by it. It was amusing how Gaius seemed to have found the most random place to actually have a drink in, but she wasn't too worried. Her time at the Centre had been well used, so she was more than good with her French accent.

Walking over to the two men on stilettos even taller than the ones she normally tossed her feet into, Parker looked every inch the woman who was out for a good time. Holding a martini glass with some horrific-colored drink inside it, she grinned. "Glad you could make it."


Saturday morning. you_run_i_chase October 22 2011, 01:15:15 UTC
Museums with the inmate.


Saturday afternoon. strangehstorian October 22 2011, 10:59:35 UTC
Chromie was all about museums. Even with the power reduction that she was already coming to expect from ports, she could see the deep inflection energy all over the city - it had some wonderful stories to tell, and the guide had become very helpful in informing her where important artifacts were kept once she'd switched to French.

She could still pick out people that weren't native to the timeline easily, though, so when she saw a fellow warden she waved.

"Hello! How is your trip going?"


you_run_i_chase October 22 2011, 19:31:36 UTC
Chromie was pretty much unmistakable in every instance, so she wasn't surprised when the woman hailed her. Pausing in her walk (and wondering where her inmate was) Parker greeted her in response.

"It's good. Better than being on that fucking boat, that's for sure. How's it going with you?"


Saturday afternoon. you_run_i_chase October 22 2011, 01:15:40 UTC
Anywhere in the city.


George drives...you crazy? 19centconstable October 22 2011, 23:57:44 UTC
[The Ferrari is bright red, because why shouldn't it be?

George has an unexpected lead foot, and a bit of difficulty with turning signals.]


you_run_i_chase October 23 2011, 15:46:18 UTC
[Parker wasn't at all surprised that the car was red. When you're driving a sexy fast car, it should be crimson or sleek black. There should be a law about it someday.

Keeping one eye on the speedometer and the other on the road Parker shouted.]



19centconstable October 23 2011, 19:53:15 UTC
[And George obediantly turns on the wrong signal.]

This is incredible!

[George doesn't seem concerned that they are going faster than everyone else. Isn't that the point?]


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