it's this mean season [open]

Oct 09, 2011 17:18

Who: Lua and OPEN
Where: All over dis ghost ship
When: Backdated to 10/8-9 (Saturday/early Sunday)
Warnings: I'll add anything if it's needed.

Because Lua needs to meet people. Set-up in the comments, spam or prose, new people, old people, anybody and errbody welcome.

john connor, lua klein, sloth, wanda maximoff, isaac mendez, day in the life, perry dawsey

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Comments 112

early morning // kitchen/briefly dining dovehearted October 9 2011, 21:18:50 UTC
Breakfast is the end of her day these days, and it makes a good end. It's hard work in the kitchen but she's learned a lot - not just cooking - and she's useful in a way she hasn't been since she came here.

You get to know people fast when you work with them, too, even if she doesn't like being up close with some of them.


metallonkardia October 10 2011, 02:16:54 UTC

Being from a world with limited food sources, the kitchen - and all else available on the Barge - has been somewhat overwhelming to John. He's there now, though, attempting to quietly sort out what's even available without stepping on any toes.


dovehearted October 10 2011, 02:56:09 UTC
Lua's not entirely sure this guy's supposed to be back here, but the first thing she should tell someone she's never met isn't going to be "no". Especially not this one; he doesn't look like trouble, but like yes or no don't matter. Instead she puts her spoon down and gives him the "can I help you" look up, like right now whatever John wants taken care of is at the top of her mind.


metallonkardia October 10 2011, 03:26:53 UTC

When John makes eye contact with Lua, he stops, and for a second just looks at her like he's trying to puzzle this place out a bit still. He's probably not supposed to be here, but he doesn't have any nefarious aims. It helps that he's traded the assault rifle he was walking around with his first few days for more subtly concealed carry firearms; it makes people less alarmed by his presence.

Eventually: "...Is there anything without butter or sugar in it?"


late afternoon // art room dovehearted October 9 2011, 21:19:26 UTC
Lua could work in her room, but after she and Richie saw what was locking the doors, she wants to spend as little time there as possible. It's disappointing how much of this space is locked, especially since she doesn't like to ask for anything, but she's had the sense to slip out a couple things when she sees someone else in here. Just pencils and a cardboard sheet, not enough to attract attention, especially not for her, but it's enough to make what she wants. She'll have to ask soon enough if she wants to finish it a knife better for paper than skin, but she'll put it off as long as she can.

She's never done this before, the little curves and dips and crosses that go into a puzzle's pattern, and half her work is erasing a line she doesn't like and brushing away the dust.

[an extra with Ladd rambling about what his girlfriend does for fun just got translated c:]


Because clearly this is the only place Isaac would come. :v future_games October 10 2011, 02:44:16 UTC
Sometimes, Isaac has no choice but to leave his room. Canvases only last so long when you're Isaac, even they are the only thing you've received from every person you know for two Christmases on the Barge. He paints a lot. So he "borrows" from the art room.

Usually, he manages to time his short art room visits appropriately for minimum questioning, but today he seems surprised to find someone he actually sort of knows sitting there when he strides in.

"Hello again."


hehehehe dovehearted October 10 2011, 03:37:02 UTC
As quiet as Isaac is and as absorbed as she is in making this work, her head starts up and her pencil scrawls a line across the board when she hears something enter. But it's him, so it's all right, and she looks back at him like he's the one person she was expecting to see.

"Good to see you again," she greets him, and it really is.


early evening // dining dovehearted October 9 2011, 21:20:27 UTC
This is a good time to listen instead of talk, even if not everything she hears is true. She's far enough away from anyone to look like she's not going to bother you, but close enough to hear, and not so absorbed in anything you can't get close. What food she has she picks at, like it's an excuse to be down here instead of a chance to eat it.


momunculus October 10 2011, 04:51:45 UTC
Sloth wasn't particularly interested in the food, either. What she was interested in, though, was information. These mechanical devices weren't entirely reliable; even with her limited knowledge, she managed to navigate the network well enough to observe the various malfunctions and mishaps that had occurred. This meant that she'd have to rely on eavesdropping and more personal interaction for the time being.

She looked over the dining hall for a place to sit when she noticed Lua. Sloth walked closer to her and took in small details: she seemed quiet and unassuming, with an almost listless air about her with the way she pecked at her tray. Hopefully she'd be glad for the company; even if she wasn't, though, it would still beat wading through the more...prickly guests she had observed on her device.

"Excuse me," she said, with a small smile on her face, "Is this seat taken?"


dovehearted October 10 2011, 23:14:35 UTC
Lua shook her head and her eyes slipped an invitation across the table. A lot of new people had come around, and she'd had a lot of measures to take, but this was the one place a woman like this one would stand out - the joy or rage or determination that beat out of so many other women here were missing, and instead... almost nothing there.

And that felt right, somehow. Better get to know a little more. She introduced herself with a little but that's not what matters hidden underneath. "Don't think I've met you yet" mattered more.


momunculus October 10 2011, 23:30:18 UTC
"I'm new here," she explained as she took a seat. "My name's Juliet Douglas, and I just arrived here."

She tilted her head, and asked, "Are you new here as well, or have you been here for a while?"


late evening // laundry dovehearted October 9 2011, 21:20:51 UTC
Tonight she's in luck like she hasn't been all week. No one wants the sink and she can take care of her clothes better than the machines, hands in soap and hair pinned back to get cleaning done. If she sees something out of the corner of her eye, it's... it's just one of those things again, isn't it. And she thinks they're scared of people, so it's better to just let it be.


between midnight and morning // gym dovehearted October 9 2011, 21:21:19 UTC
The lights flicker so much in this side room she's just turned them off, and she's so quiet no one will think she's here. There's no lock on the door, which isn't good, but it's a mirror out of everyone else's way and she can see her reflection in the lights from outside. The woman on the other side of the mirror is her target as she cuts and stabs the way he'd taught her. She has to stay in practice, right, even if they're not speaking?


between midnight and morning // gym scarlet_discord October 10 2011, 01:38:53 UTC
Wanda comes in looking dead exhausted--so tired it is clear she shouldn't even be there. She looks up at the lights and scowls, raising a hand and summoning a watery blue light from it. She still has to do her two miles on the treadmill. It's just two miles....


dovehearted October 10 2011, 01:46:50 UTC
Should anyone be there? She doesn't feel like she should, and when she peeks through her door it's to look out, see if it's someone coming to lock everything back up.

No. Just her. Lua doesn't know the girl, but even from over there she looks like she should be curled up in bed for tomorrow, so she slips up next to her with a noise like "hello" and puts a hand on her arm. "You doing okay?"


scarlet_discord October 10 2011, 04:29:50 UTC
"Huh?" She's startled, then inwardly curses herself. Anyone could have slipped up on her while she was turning her fingers into glowsticks.

"Oh...hi..." a wan little smile. "Sorry, I'm just distracted. I'm..." she yawned through the next few years. "Still getting used to the new practice schedule."

She firmed the smile and offered the hand that wasn't all shiny. "Hi, I'm Wanda."


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