it's this mean season [open]

Oct 09, 2011 17:18

Who: Lua and OPEN
Where: All over dis ghost ship
When: Backdated to 10/8-9 (Saturday/early Sunday)
Warnings: I'll add anything if it's needed.

Because Lua needs to meet people. Set-up in the comments, spam or prose, new people, old people, anybody and errbody welcome.

john connor, lua klein, sloth, wanda maximoff, isaac mendez, day in the life, perry dawsey

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early morning // kitchen/briefly dining dovehearted October 9 2011, 21:18:50 UTC
Breakfast is the end of her day these days, and it makes a good end. It's hard work in the kitchen but she's learned a lot - not just cooking - and she's useful in a way she hasn't been since she came here.

You get to know people fast when you work with them, too, even if she doesn't like being up close with some of them.


metallonkardia October 10 2011, 02:16:54 UTC

Being from a world with limited food sources, the kitchen - and all else available on the Barge - has been somewhat overwhelming to John. He's there now, though, attempting to quietly sort out what's even available without stepping on any toes.


dovehearted October 10 2011, 02:56:09 UTC
Lua's not entirely sure this guy's supposed to be back here, but the first thing she should tell someone she's never met isn't going to be "no". Especially not this one; he doesn't look like trouble, but like yes or no don't matter. Instead she puts her spoon down and gives him the "can I help you" look up, like right now whatever John wants taken care of is at the top of her mind.


metallonkardia October 10 2011, 03:26:53 UTC

When John makes eye contact with Lua, he stops, and for a second just looks at her like he's trying to puzzle this place out a bit still. He's probably not supposed to be here, but he doesn't have any nefarious aims. It helps that he's traded the assault rifle he was walking around with his first few days for more subtly concealed carry firearms; it makes people less alarmed by his presence.

Eventually: "...Is there anything without butter or sugar in it?"


dovehearted October 10 2011, 04:04:43 UTC
She puzzles out the question, and even though it's only a quick study for her someone can tell she's not quite sure why you'd ask. But she's stirring up some oatmeal, something simple, like if someone's sick or death tolling or just wants something like that. "This'll be done in a minute, if you want to wait." There's a little apology there, like she wishes it was already ready.

"Haven't seen you around before." She's got a minute to chat, she thinks. A little longer if Perry leaves her alone.


metallonkardia October 10 2011, 04:19:03 UTC

He nods. That's fine. He doesn't want to hassle her, anyway, or screw up anybody's schedule - but wasting food is unconscionable, so he'd better grab something he can actually keep down while he figures out how things work here.

"I've only been here a week. John Connor."


dovehearted October 10 2011, 16:20:56 UTC
"'s Lua." She smiles and studies him a little further, giving a little stir to check consistency. It's hard to place what he could be here, and she's not about to ask: some people might, but it doesn't feel right to her. "Pleased to meet you. Doing all right so far?" You can tell me if you're having any trouble is hiding at the back of the question.


metallonkardia October 10 2011, 23:57:18 UTC

He nods, something akin to politeness. "Lua."

If there's anything particularly weird about Lua, John doesn't notice; he does, however, keep his body language distant. "As well as expected." Which could mean anything, but he seems more or less fine. "You been her long?"


dovehearted October 11 2011, 01:40:06 UTC
Not causing any trouble, not having any. Doesn't want her to know much, though, and she respects him for that. "Couple months. You get used to it." She's finally starting to, at least.


metallonkardia October 11 2011, 04:03:42 UTC

It's not so much disinterest as it is a desire to avoid seeming threatening - some weird guy shows up, she's by herself, he doesn't want to be an asshole. John can't pull off 'harmless', but he can get to 'not attempting to be intimidating'.

"Beats the alternatives."


dovehearted October 11 2011, 16:15:42 UTC
"Not attempting to be intimidating" is better; someone coming off as "harmless" is suspicious in its own way - you don't want to look like you can't back yourself up. "Think it's part of living here," she says, and makes a sound like she's thinking about whether she should say this idea that's popped into her head or not. "If you don't... seems like you get stuck."


metallonkardia October 11 2011, 20:54:10 UTC

"Stress traps people as easy as anything else," he says in mild agreement. Though he's coming around to seeing the purpose of this place, he's still skeptical in a lot of ways; the fine line between being ever-suspicious and drinking the Koolaid is something he's still working on. You have to adapt. But you can't get lost in it.


dovehearted October 12 2011, 01:21:56 UTC
The Barge isn't bad for hell or for jail, but who wants to stay either place? It's a better idea to go along, even if it's not what you want.

She looks over her pot and turns her face away before the steam catches her. "About done. Thanks for waiting," she says, and he'll catch the old her, the practiced always glad to help she never turns off, when she smiles and offers up a bowl with a plate over it.


metallonkardia October 12 2011, 04:52:41 UTC

"Thanks for humoring me." John flashes her a brief smile as he takes it - genuine, just faded and out of practice; a little rusty.

"Take care, Lua."


early morning // kitchen/briefly dining hatestriangles October 10 2011, 03:47:58 UTC
Work time. Perry always shows up at least five minutes early. It's not that he likes the work exactly-- he pretty much can't cook-- but having someplace to be, something to do, it's good for him. Doesn't mean he's nice to the people he works with, though...

Lua's in the way of a cupboard he needs to get to. Perry comes up behind her and growls, "Hey, little miss murder victim, you mind getting out of my way?"


dovehearted October 10 2011, 04:27:44 UTC
The worst part of that last flood wasn't all her plans shattering, not really, but having to listen to Perry every morning after. She slips aside, practically from under him, and looks for something to take care of while she waits to get out what she needed, not even turning around to give him a look like he needs to learn some patience.

If she pretends he's not saying anything, he'll stop. He'll get sick of trying to get something out of her and find someone better to bother.

Even if it hasn't worked yet, and really there's no one else here he can talk to like this.


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