the reunion

Sep 24, 2011 17:51

Who: David and Rachel.
What: Two blondes with bad attitudes in the CES.
When: Today, backdated to the afternoon.
Where: The CES
Warnings: Violence, death threats.

Today, karma is a grizzly bear settling scores for an assassin she's never met )

david harris, rachel berenson

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Comments 18

yeerkwarveteran September 24 2011, 21:56:15 UTC
Rachel was annoyed to discover she had only twenty minutes in morph. Twenty minutes meant finding a quiet place to go from fly to human without being noticed. It was a pain in the ass but none of that mattered since David was here and therefore dangerous.

He had to be stopped. She'd killed him, she'd broken his neck, but he had to be stopped.

The how he was here was a mystery. A clone? some new thing they hadn't encountered?

When he got into the CES, she'd followed. The first few days it had been just observations. Seeing what he did. The way he tried to be strong and powerful was just laughable.

But he changed the CES into Cassie's woods. That was enough, that was beyond insulting.

Now was the right time.

She followed him in and satush. Watching, in cat morph, under a bush.


sixthanimorph September 24 2011, 22:04:16 UTC
David runs by Rachel without even noticing her.

Why would he? The CES can't produce animals, he's tried. And he's the only one on the Barge who can shapeshift.

... Well, except for Loki, but who really counts Loki?

Panting, David bends over a backpack he brought in and pulls out a water bottle. He's in decent shape but he's a long way from being as fit as Dick and Tim. Absently he brushes twigs out of his air from the times he fell and rolled.


yeerkwarveteran September 24 2011, 22:12:35 UTC
There was a soft crunch in the leaves, a rustling under the bushes. She ran as far out of sight as she possibly could.

Cassie's woods. she gritted her teeth. You pretender. You wannabe.

She picked her monkey morph and swung up into the trees-with another rustle.

Let him worry. Let him panic.


sixthanimorph September 24 2011, 22:16:54 UTC
The first time he hears the rustling he write it off as the wind. But then he hears the the crunch and that's no wind.

He whirls around in the direction he heard the noise from, looking not even slightly tired anymore.

Who? Another warden, it's gotta be. But who? Will wouldn't play games like this. Is it Tim? He did mock-kidnap him that one time, maybe he wants to return the favor... of course, it might not be Tim at all. His blood runs cold at the other possibility.

"... Hello?" he calls uncertainly into the empty forest. "Who's there?"


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