
Sep 01, 2011 16:02

Who: Will and Richie; closed.
What: Checking in with his inmate.
Where: Richie's cabin.
When: A few days after this, when Richie's cabin returned to normal.
Notes: Swearing? That should be a given.

An hour or so after Richie's cabin would return to its usual roach-infested-motel appearance, Will stopped by and knocked on the door. )

richard gecko, will graham

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notafuckingnut September 2 2011, 00:36:42 UTC
Four days.

Four long, empty, boring days. In a cell. Richie wasn't exactly a solitary creature under the best of circumstances, leaving him to his own devices in a room tricked out as the one place he had liked the least on top of it was in itself its own form of torture.

Needless to say, by the time the room returned to its former state, long after he had demolished five pens beyond use in his increasingly frantic attempts to escape the space, "displeased" was the least of the words that could be used to describe his state.

By the time the knock came, he was livid. Or at least had about the worst case of cabin fever he'd had in a while.

But the message had been received, at least; while he was undoubtedly pissed, he managed a relatively civil tone. "You really gonna keep fucking knocking every time? Like I got a choice."


notafuckingnut September 9 2011, 21:51:07 UTC
"Exactly. You don't."

A pause, drawn out and tense as he considered. It was obvious there was something more he wanted to say, but he seemed to struggle with himself over it for a few moments before finally blurting it out. It had been eating at him since their first meeting, but he hadn't seen the point in voicing it before now.

"...What did it say?"


grahamcommawill September 10 2011, 03:51:20 UTC
Will watched him a second before responding. "I've already told you a few things that were in there, and you argued about them. I can show you the file if you want me to, but only if you're absolutely certain it's what you want."


notafuckingnut September 10 2011, 03:57:30 UTC
Richie's brow furrowed in thought. "...But you said it didn't have all the details. Why would you be worried about me reading it if it doesn't have all the details? And I only argued 'cause they weren't true. If it's got stuff that actually happened in it too I won't argue about that stuff." Quite a reasonable allowance, he thought.


grahamcommawill September 10 2011, 04:26:11 UTC
He held up a hand, one asking for both silence and peace. "It might say some things you'll disagree with. That's all. If you want to look through it, that's fine. I don't have a problem with it."


notafuckingnut September 10 2011, 13:44:20 UTC
"Well just...tell me what it says, then, if it's not a problem. I mean, don't keep talking about it, just...What's it say? 'Cause talkin' about it right now, I still don't get why I'm here. I didn't do anything." He didn't get more agitated, but he certainly wasn't any less so either.


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