Who: Olive and OPEN
What: Hideous styled not-quite-day-in-the-life. Olive's scared an looking for Heero. She's pretending to be mirror!Olive. Really, really badly.
Where: All over.
When Day one.
Notes: I'm just making a base post for this, but it's totally open. Just tag in saying where they are, and we're good to go!
but only if you run )
[Jack appears suddenly and unexpectedly, like all good moochers. He also manages to suck-up disrespectfully, which is a talent in and of itself, and do so while wearing and expression that says 'It's all in good fun', asks 'You happen to got a dollar on you?', and promises 'You can trust me, I'm an idiot!'
Jack has much less schooling than George did, but he's got a lot more street smarts.]
Were it, now? Funny bit of slip...
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