And you will make it

Aug 18, 2011 19:42

Who: Olive and OPEN
What: Hideous styled not-quite-day-in-the-life. Olive's scared an looking for Heero. She's pretending to be mirror!Olive. Really, really badly.
Where: All over.
When Day one.
Notes: I'm just making a base post for this, but it's totally open. Just tag in saying where they are, and we're good to go!

but only if you run )

jon snow, will parry, sirius black, dracula, heero yuy, cissie king-jones, olive penderghast

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Comments 115

Afternoon--Hallway feels_no_love August 19 2011, 01:04:52 UTC
Dracula was haunting the halls looking for one of his various donors/lovers to pet and cajole and seduce back into his room for a bit of nuzzle-and-nibble. He wasn't starved, fortunately, but he was thirsty enough that he was more keyed to heartbeats than usual. The one coming down the hall was more rapid than was usual, and as he focused on the person that went with the pulse he noticed one of the women he had not spoken to yet.

She was keeping her chin up, but he could smell the fear on her and knew he was not the only one who would. He pushed the hair out of his eyes, and addressed her in a gentle voice: "Miss? Are you quite all right?"


Re: Afternoon--Hallway worstsongever August 19 2011, 02:34:45 UTC
Oh Jesus Christ. Olive jumped when she heard Dracula; she hadn't seen him as she was walking by, and when she noticed who it was, her heart picked out an even faster rhythm. She'd never spoken to him, but she'd seen his posts - and she was more than a little freaked out.

"I - yeah, yeah of course, I'm fine." Have worse lies been told? Who knows.


Afternoon--Hallway feels_no_love August 19 2011, 02:45:44 UTC
[He held out a hand, on which his gold false finger glittered. The man in the videos had had an unadorned stub and kept his coat on and his hair in a ponytail.] I mean you no harm, young lady, fear not. [He leaned in a little, glancing behind her.] Are you being chased?


Afternoon--Hallway worstsongever August 19 2011, 03:13:51 UTC
"Wh-no, no, I said I'm fine." She glanced at the offered hand, eyes locked on the finger for a long moment. Holy shit, he had a gold finger. Olive swallowed hard. "Uh, I'm Olive. I don't think we've talked." She sounded wary, uncertain how to approach this.


becauseheswill August 19 2011, 01:13:10 UTC
Will couldn't give less of a damn about the turbulence, or the fact that some people seemed to have turned suddenly... quite different, and hadn't realized that it was they who were different. He'd been on the Barge long enough to know that this was just par for the course, and went about his day as usual.

He was on his way to the library, a copy of Paradise Lost tucked under one arm, and the hallway was more or less empty until he stumbled upon Olive.

He, honestly, expected her to approach him, as she often did. But there was something... off. Maybe she was one of the affected.

"Good morning." It was pleasant enough, but there was something more predatory and ruthless about him, even just in casual conversation. This Will didn't care who knew that he was a fighter, and in fact, more actively cultivated the image. It was what he was known for at home, after all.


worstsongever August 19 2011, 02:36:09 UTC
Will. Will had to be unaffected, he was a good guy. He'd help her find Heero. Olive let hope brighten her features when she recognized him, and she hurried closer. "Will, oh God. Have you seen Heero? I can't find him. And I'm kind of freaked out here."


becauseheswill August 19 2011, 02:42:41 UTC
He looked at her strangely, confused. "Why? Did he get himself into another political debate with someone he shouldn't've again?" You would think the kid would learn to keep his mouth shut so someone wouldn't have to be wiring it shut later.


worstsongever August 19 2011, 03:18:26 UTC
"Politi--no, no he - I just - shit." The last she muttered to herself, and pressed her lips tightly together, looking up at him with widening eyes. He was affected. "Just, uh. Need to make sure he isn't wearing spandex shorts again, you know how bad those look." She hated herself so much.


REVENGE - Any time, any place sirius_is_a_dog August 19 2011, 03:10:25 UTC
Sirius was on his way back to his cabin when he saw Olive. A dangerous sort of smile curved his lips. The silly bitch had played a terrible joke on him in his early days, and he had thought it was Wichita who had done it. He had retaliated on his then-warden, but never on Olive. Why? Because it was more fun to wait until she wouldn't expect it.

So, without preamble, fuss, or even a blink, he cast a full body bind on her. Let the bitch feel helpless. Pity there weren't more people about.


Re: REVENGE - Any time, any place worstsongever August 19 2011, 03:22:28 UTC
Olive almost missed him in the hallway; she didn't have a chance to debate whether he was affected or not, because her arms and legs snapped together. Her forward momentum didn't help to keep her upright; she toppled over with a squeak, hitting her forehead hard against the floor.

As she blinked spots from her eyes, she wasn't sure if she was glad she hadn't landed on her nose or not. What the hell was going on?


Re: REVENGE - Any time, any place sirius_is_a_dog August 19 2011, 03:33:59 UTC
He used a levitation spell to roughly flip her body over so she was on her back. He stood over her and smiled down at her.

"You really thought all this time I thought it was Wichita. I admit, I did in the beginning. Why wouldn't I? She was my Warden, I was the Inmate she needed to corrupt." He made a tsk-tsking sort of sound and shook his head. "Really, if you're going to pick on an Inmate, muggle, pick one that doesn't have magic. It took exactly three seconds of Cruciatus for Wichita to tell me all about her face-twin and how it just had to have been you. I used a truth serum to confirm it."

He crouched down and tapped his wand against her nose with a playful smile. "All this time, you thought you had gotten one over on me. Well, the joke's on you."

He stood upright and pointed his wand at her face. "Crucio!"


Re: REVENGE - Any time, any place worstsongever August 19 2011, 03:45:38 UTC
Oh God, no. He wasn't going to do this, he was Sirius Black, he was supposed to be noble and good and all that shit! Olive tried to move, tried to get to her feet and book it down the hall, dodging curses as they came.

But she couldn't. She couldn't even blink. Her eyes started watering as he tapped her nose. This wasn't happening. This was not real life, this was a horrifying, shitty dream. But his wand was pointing at her and she was talking, and then she was on fire.

It was like that time she'd broken her ankle when sh was seven, like that time she'd burned herself trying to light the grill when she was twelve, but rolled together and amplified, and it hurt more than she thought anything could hurt. And she couldn't even scream or curl up.


Some other hallway. Jack spends all his time in hallways. 19centconstable August 19 2011, 03:25:48 UTC
Out for a stroll on your lonesome your ladyship?

[Jack appears suddenly and unexpectedly, like all good moochers. He also manages to suck-up disrespectfully, which is a talent in and of itself, and do so while wearing and expression that says 'It's all in good fun', asks 'You happen to got a dollar on you?', and promises 'You can trust me, I'm an idiot!'

Jack has much less schooling than George did, but he's got a lot more street smarts.]


Jack, you bum. :c worstsongever August 19 2011, 03:29:51 UTC
[Street smarts are damn dangerous. Olive jumps when he just appears, then grimaces at herself.] Jesus, [She says, accusingly.] Uh - yeah, just looking for Heero, is all. What're you doing out?


They're like indoor alleys! 19centconstable August 19 2011, 03:41:33 UTC
[Jack is wondering if it would be worth the effort to steal the fillings out of the mouths of people in Barge comas.]

This'n that, this'n that. Slipped away from you, eh?

[Jack chuckles. It's funny because Eddie Spinola may or may not be in a coma right now. Jack should check on that probably. But it would take soooo much effort. And he isn't sure what his fillings are made of.]


Perfect for assaulting people in! worstsongever August 19 2011, 03:50:27 UTC
[Jesus Christ Jack, that is a bad thing to do, very bad.]

Yeah, well. He does that sometimes, uh. You know how inmates are?


AFTER ALL THE OTHER THREADS IN THIS LOG result_of_war August 19 2011, 04:12:32 UTC
Heero had spent most of his day looking for two things: a weapon, and his warden. He'd had to settle for collecting pens in the pocket of his leather jacket and a letter opener that had been in his counterpart's room, which was definitely not ideal, but you could take out someone with a pen, if you had to. And he certainly knew how to.

Now he just needed to find Olive, and that had been harder, especially while trying to stay under the radar, until as he rounded a corner, he saw her walking down the hall. Or, really, more like staggering, using the wall for support, and immediately, he froze.

He didn't know what to do. Had she been hurt? What had happened? Where was this threat so he could get it out of the way before it hurt anyone else? What the hell was he supposed to do with her in the mean time? Everyone was a threat here, and they couldn't stay hidden forever.


\o/ worstsongever August 19 2011, 04:29:59 UTC
She saw someone come around the corner and pushed off the wall, fully intending to just turn around and walk away, she didn't care who it was or if she thought they would help. Olive bit back another sob as she turned, though: her whole body still burned. Magic wasn't supposed to hurt his much, was it? It wasn't fair.


result_of_war August 19 2011, 04:33:18 UTC
She was hurt. He was angry, and angry with himself for getting distracted and not being there to protect her, and confused about what to do to help.

He took a step closer.



worstsongever August 19 2011, 04:36:57 UTC
She stopped and looked over her shoulder, blinking hard until Heero stopped looking so watery.

"Finally." She didn't grab him and head for the nearest warden only area like she had planned to. She'd figured hiding in the CES would be the smartest thing to do, but all she could manage right now was to lean against the wall and slide down, using the heels of her palms to wipe her eyes and cheeks. Her mascara was smudged; she didn't really care.


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