Day in the life!

Jul 13, 2011 23:34

Who: Alice Morgan and EVERYONE
What: A day in the life.
When: Around today/Thursday/Friday
Warnings/Notes: Possible references to suicide/self-harm

Ahaha lj-cut as if there's anything of interest under here. )

chronormu, robert capa, sherlock holmes bbc, day in the life, alice morgan, jim moriarty, black jack

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Comments 111

8.00am - Dining Hall likedarkmatter July 13 2011, 22:37:01 UTC
[Her first morning on the Barge - after a very brief moment of panic, an afternoon of focused backreading and a very short night's sleep - finds Alice sitting in the corner of the room, facing outwards, so she can people-watch while drinking her coffee.]


8.00am - Dining Hall byronicsherlock July 14 2011, 06:05:26 UTC
[Sherlock had managed to contaminate the sugar in his room with his most recent (failed) experiment. Attempt two required more sugar, and since here, he was unable to send John out to the shops, and since John had so irritatingly left early for the infirmary, he couldn't even send him to the kitchens. So, he'd braved the breakfast bustle, and was not-quite-sidling along the wall towards the drinks table.]


8.00am - Dining Hall likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 07:38:49 UTC
[She noticed him immediately - Sherlock Holmes' name had been rather glaringly obvious during her archive reading. She didn't watch him, exactly, but paid attention out of the corner of her eye until his wall-hugging route brought him past her table. Then she smiled.]

Not a morning person?


8.00am - Dining Hall byronicsherlock July 15 2011, 05:59:06 UTC
[Ugh, talking.] Morning is arbitrary. [By which he means, he hasn't gone to sleep yet. He gives her a perfunctory sweep with his eyes, noting surface details only.]


10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 13 2011, 22:37:47 UTC
[Paging through the Cosmology section. Hey, they've got books from the ~future~, what's not to like. It's sort of anticlimactic to be able to find out which of your contemporary theoretical physicists actually got it right, though.]


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 13 2011, 22:55:16 UTC
[Capa's been doing what Capa does when he's stressed- research. But, of course, he was in the corner the farthest away from the door as he could manage, sitting at a table with his pile of books. His pile of unhelpful books. So, when he finished what he considered a futile effort, he stood up, returning each to their respective areas.

When he got to the Cosmology section, he hesitated. She hadn't been there earlier. For a moment, he mentally flailed, because social interaction was scary, and forced himself to step forward, replacing the books in their places beside her.]

Sorry. I just...needed to put these back.


Re: 10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 13 2011, 23:06:20 UTC
[She stepped back to make it easier for him, mostly because she wanted to look at the spines of the books he was replacing. None of it was what she'd call casual reading, and Alice was a person with an extremely stringent definition of what wasn't 'casual'.]

It's no bother. [She nodded tinily to the books he just put back.] Would you recommend those?


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 13 2011, 23:12:48 UTC
[He paused, carefully moving his finger from the last book.] Mm. No. [He gave her a cautious look, as he didn't really know why she was asking.] Well, it depends on what you're looking for.

Or...when you're looking for.


2pm - Infirmary likedarkmatter July 13 2011, 22:38:45 UTC
[She found the Infirmary fairly early in her exploration but returns at a time that seems quiet, hesitating at the threshold before stepping over and inside.]



Re: 2pm - Infirmary dark_surgeonx July 14 2011, 02:52:16 UTC
[Having decided to explore the Infirmary himself, Black Jack was methodically going over all the different equipment and supplies available, coming to the conclusion that the place was very well stocked and equipped. Hearing that voice, he stepped out into view.]

Can I help you?


Re: 2pm - Infirmary likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 08:30:39 UTC
Perhaps. I arrived yesterday, I'm just...showing myself around, I suppose. [She inclined her head a little.] You're new here as well.


6pm - Deck likedarkmatter July 13 2011, 22:39:15 UTC
[Alice is standing with her hands on the railing, apparently lost in thought, although in actuality she's very closely watching the passage of distant worlds and stars. After spending her formative years studying the universe and mankind's understanding thereof, it's both awe-inspiring and chilling to witness something so alien.]


strangehstorian July 14 2011, 07:33:52 UTC

It's lovely, isn't it?


likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 08:12:08 UTC
Yes. [It's not a calculated response, but saying the first thing that comes into her head is a shade better than sounding alarmed by the appearance of an extremely short person out of nowhere. Alice turns a little to look at her briefly, in acknowledgement, then back to the void.]

It's beautiful.

[This is probably the most sincere remark anyone's going to get out of her for a while.]


strangehstorian July 14 2011, 08:53:32 UTC
This place is really a miracle in principle, if not in practice.

[She walks up to the rail to peer through it like a child and wraps a small hand around the lowest rung.]

We're seeing worlds that we'd have no idea existed otherwise. The vastness of the whole multiverse.


1am - Common room (any level) likedarkmatter July 13 2011, 22:39:40 UTC
[Alice sleeps very lightly and not for very long. Hence the dead of night finds her not in her room but on a sofa in a common room, drinking a cup of tea and reading a book.]


Re: 1am - Common room (any level) consultcriminal July 14 2011, 04:08:54 UTC
[Early morning hours are the best creeping hours. Jim was up, as normal, though it was difficult to really tell if he's still asleep or just up early. Even he couldn't really say. Roaming the corridors without all the usual hustle and bustle was disconcerting, but tolerable, for him and he was enjoying the quiet that it brought.

Passing a common room gave him pause as he noticed movement. Turning slowly, hands in the pockets of his suit, he paused, waiting by the doorway. He was cautious here.]

It's a little late to be reading, isn't it?


Re: 1am - Common room (any level) likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 07:46:23 UTC
[Jim Moriarty. He, like the Sherlock she'd met, were from a time period she hadn't anticipated - but then again, she already understood the nature of the Barge's populace, and popular culture had been a morass of remakes and reboots and adaptations for years. It was no great surprise. She flattened the book against her chest.]

Isn't it a little late to be asking? [Her tone was playful rather than confrontational.]


Re: 1am - Holy typo batman. That should have been 'awake' instead of 'asleep'... consultcriminal July 14 2011, 12:14:02 UTC
[Hm. He had many things to consider at the moment. But, ultimately, he decided to step inside. Just a few lazy, though calculated moves. He had an image to maintain, after all.]

My dear girl, it's never too late to ask questions. It might be too late to act on the answers, though. [He looked away, pretending to think deeply about that. Then he sighed.] Ah, but I've also decided it's also much too late to think about anything on more than one level.

Gives me quite a headache. [Pause.] What are you reading?


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