Day in the life!

Jul 13, 2011 23:34

Who: Alice Morgan and EVERYONE
What: A day in the life.
When: Around today/Thursday/Friday
Warnings/Notes: Possible references to suicide/self-harm

Ahaha lj-cut as if there's anything of interest under here. )

chronormu, robert capa, sherlock holmes bbc, day in the life, alice morgan, jim moriarty, black jack

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10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 13 2011, 22:37:47 UTC
[Paging through the Cosmology section. Hey, they've got books from the ~future~, what's not to like. It's sort of anticlimactic to be able to find out which of your contemporary theoretical physicists actually got it right, though.]


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 13 2011, 22:55:16 UTC
[Capa's been doing what Capa does when he's stressed- research. But, of course, he was in the corner the farthest away from the door as he could manage, sitting at a table with his pile of books. His pile of unhelpful books. So, when he finished what he considered a futile effort, he stood up, returning each to their respective areas.

When he got to the Cosmology section, he hesitated. She hadn't been there earlier. For a moment, he mentally flailed, because social interaction was scary, and forced himself to step forward, replacing the books in their places beside her.]

Sorry. I just...needed to put these back.


Re: 10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 13 2011, 23:06:20 UTC
[She stepped back to make it easier for him, mostly because she wanted to look at the spines of the books he was replacing. None of it was what she'd call casual reading, and Alice was a person with an extremely stringent definition of what wasn't 'casual'.]

It's no bother. [She nodded tinily to the books he just put back.] Would you recommend those?


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 13 2011, 23:12:48 UTC
[He paused, carefully moving his finger from the last book.] Mm. No. [He gave her a cautious look, as he didn't really know why she was asking.] Well, it depends on what you're looking for.

Or...when you're looking for.


10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 08:20:18 UTC
Oh, I was looking beyond the 2020s, really. Although I suppose it wouldn't hurt to dip into the twenty-second century. [She quirked a smile.] Finding out about the developments that are going to be made in my lifetime is a little bit too much like cheating, isn't it? Like reading the last chapter of a book you've barely started.


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 14 2011, 12:20:10 UTC
You have to remember, though, that people here come from many different places and many different times. Your 2020 might be different than someone else's. With different thoughts, especially when you're dealing with theoretical physics.

I don't know anyone from my century who knows anything about my work, for example. Or any of my [said with a little mock in his tone] peers.

[He shifted his weight awkwardly, adopting a sort of faraway expression as he thought of what to recommend. Without saying anything at first, he reached up and brought down a book in a bland, gray covering.]



10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 15:00:59 UTC
[She just inclined her head in agreement to his assertion. She had to speak broadly, or spend half an hour explaining where her world's theoretical physics had developed to. Shorthand was easier, if less precise.

She accepted the book with a brief sideways glance and opened it, a smaller but more genuine smile chasing its way across her features. The origins of the universe, theorised throughout history. Her eyes flickered back up at him.]

And what is your work, exactly?


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 14 2011, 15:16:49 UTC
[He took a step back, leaning against a bookshelf. Conversation. He could do that.]

I'm a physicist. Specializing in the theories and applications of dark matter. [He paused only for a moment.] What about you? I usually don't see anyone in this second.

Unless they're lost.


Re: 10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 15:39:42 UTC
[Another fleeting smile at that.] I'm a physicist. My field of expertise is the distribution of...well, dark matter. It seems there's a reason I'm invading your section.


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 14 2011, 15:57:30 UTC
[There was a moment when he just stared at her. He wasn't sure whether he believed her or not.]

No. You're not invading at all. I...[Wait.] You're new, aren't you?


Re: 10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 18:13:21 UTC
[Her demeanour had become a good deal more animated, almost perky, somewhat because she'd encountered something she hadn't expected to but mostly because he was just rather awkward.]

I am. Fresh off the boat this morning. [A little hum of amusement.] Fresh on the boat this morning. [She tucked the book under her arm and held her hand out.] Alice.


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 14 2011, 21:11:24 UTC
[He reached out to take her hand when it was offered.] Capa. Uh...well, Robert, but everyone calls me Capa.

Good to meet you. [He paused.] Have you seen the lab yet?


Re: 10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 14 2011, 22:31:27 UTC
Seen it? I didn't even know we had one. Rather kind of the Admiral to offer the facilities for extracurriculars.


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 14 2011, 22:32:35 UTC
[He continued carefully next.] Yes. It's in the wardens only area. You need an item, or a warden, to let you inside.


10.15am - Library likedarkmatter July 15 2011, 00:10:45 UTC
[A single small nod.] And do you have an ongoing project?


Re: 10.15am - Library ourlastbesthope July 15 2011, 00:13:35 UTC
[He nodded in turn.] Yes. Just studying where we are and how we're actually moving through space. I have a theory, but it's been abandoned in favor of pure observation.


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