And just another day.

May 29, 2011 19:46

Who: Martha Jones, open
Where: Everywhere
What A day in the life.
When: Today.

iroh, charles "trip" tucker, rinzler, loki, irving braxiatel, coyolxauhqui, merlin, neil howie, elphaba thropp, drake stone, a day in the life, martha jones, svetlana nazarova, armand st. just

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Infirmary 8-2 thegooddrjones May 29 2011, 17:57:59 UTC
Martha's work day. Doing worky things.


ifightfor May 29 2011, 23:17:41 UTC
Rinzler lifted his chin in acknowledgment. He knew; feline resemblance aside, he didn't spend this much time in sleep mode ordinarily.

He offered her an abbreviated bow for her concern. It wasn't precisely a "yes," but there was no reason to go through the same argument he'd already rehearsed with his Warden over the use of painkillers.


thegooddrjones May 30 2011, 00:40:48 UTC
Martha nodded when he lifted his chin. She hadn't seen Tron in a very long time, despite the fact that last time she'd sat down to watch it, it had been with Tosh and there had been drinking involved.

"Would it be easier for you to communicate via text?" It seemed logical, and so logical she should have thought of it before.


ifightfor May 30 2011, 01:33:22 UTC
Flynn's new Grid was as different a place from the old ENCOM system as Rinzler was from the optimistic young warrior he'd been then. Especially after Clu had gotten through with both of them.

Still, some things remained. The Program made a noise a little like digitized laughter and reached for the communicator at his bedside. «Communication more precise in this mode,» he typed, then angled it for her perusal.


thegooddrjones May 30 2011, 10:53:52 UTC
Martha smiled in response to the laughter, and then she nodded when he showed her the communicator. Well, that was definitely an understatement.

"Now that we can communicate more effectively, can you tell me how your pain level is? How you're feeling?"


ifightfor May 30 2011, 22:35:31 UTC
«Pain manageable,» came the swift response. «Energy level suboptimal but rising.»

Rinzler paused, glancing up at her; assessing. «Situation on Barge post-flood?»


thegooddrjones May 30 2011, 22:55:19 UTC
She nodded when he said that his pain was manageable; if he said that it was then she couldn't argue with him about it. "It'll keep getting better every day. It's at least three days for the death toll, but it can be up to seven sometimes.

"The situation on the Barge is barge normal. Some people are really unhappy about the flood, and they've every right to be. This one was a bit bad."


ifightfor May 31 2011, 00:34:07 UTC
«Understood.» Three to seven days. A considerable amount of downtime, though the galling fact of his reduced role in the security of the Barge played in his favor in this case.

He fixed his whole attention on Martha as she spoke, circuits flaring and fading with the same rhythm as a human heart. «What comparator used to rank flood as 'bad'?» he asked, at length.


thegooddrjones May 31 2011, 14:51:37 UTC
For a moment, Martha wasn't sure how to answer that. For a moment, she didn't and then she hooked a rolling stool with her toe and pulled it over to her, and then she dropped onto it.

"Well, I think it has too do with how badly people are affected by it, and if it causes emotional damage. The more emotional damage, the worse the flood is, I think."


ifightfor June 1 2011, 01:24:56 UTC
The idea of "emotional damage" seemed to give Rinzler some pause. He cocked his head to one side, then shifted his attention away from Martha, scanning what he could see of the infirmary for possible threats as he worked through the concept in his mind.

At last he returned to staring at her. «Sel,» pause, delete. «Suicide considered a result of emotional damage. JA307020 suspected "emotionally damaged" as a result of flood?»


thegooddrjones June 1 2011, 15:35:00 UTC
Martha just sat quietly with him while he processed what had gone on. She followed the path that his eyes took around the room, and then she looked down at her hands for a moment before he communicated once more.

"How do you feel about the flood?"


ifightfor June 1 2011, 18:37:39 UTC
«Inconvenienced.» There was more as well, but the Program left it to that one word.


thegooddrjones June 1 2011, 23:58:43 UTC
The response garnered a raising of brow from Martha, and she sat silently for a moment.

"Is that it?" Her tone clearly stated that she didn't think it was.


ifightfor June 3 2011, 01:48:03 UTC
«User term "frustrated" also applies,» Rinzler added, when prompted. «Uncertain as to value of flood to system; however, given interpretation of floods as uncorrectable system anomaly, concept of value may not apply.»

He cocked his head at her, curious; the motion isolated in the otherwise utter stillness of his body language. «Query: Wardens assume value from floods?»


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thegooddrjones May 29 2011, 21:30:26 UTC
Martha was still rather amused by the fact that Loki had been offering all of the ways to council her and Severus, and it showed in the grin that she gave him when he'd arrived in the middle of the infirmary. She had to stop herself from touching her ring finger; the last thing she wanted to do was give herself away.

She nodded when he asked to speak to her in private, and she quickly inclined her head towards the office when he mentioned the need for privacy. She was used to it of course, but not from Loki. He came to the infirmary so very rarely, that she thought it might have been something rather serious.

"Step into my office, yeah? We should have plenty of privacy there."


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