
Feb 22, 2011 22:06

Who: Armand, Billy Costigan; later, Donny Donowitz, Dick Grayson, optional Claire Bennet. [Closed.]
Where: Level 4 common room, then other places.
When: Late tonight.
What: Costigan attacks Armand, Armand beats up Costigan, Donny intervenes; Dick catches Donny/Costigan on the way back to Donny's room; Armand goes to talk to Claire (or something).
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billy costigan, dick grayson, donny donowitz, armand

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Comments 26

ooc; summary of events lost_undercover February 23 2011, 22:01:37 UTC
Costigan catches sight of Armand, moves to walk past him (walking in as Armand is walking out), punches him in the face, and immediately tries to tackle him, stab him, and get a few most hits to his face. There will be visible evidence (on Armand). In return, Armand beats the shit out of Costigan, so long as it's enough that Costigan's bleeding and it set's off Dick's item for a few seconds. Donny hears the noise and intervenes ( ... )


Please excuse the short, crappy, slow tags. whattasteisthis February 24 2011, 00:18:12 UTC
Armand glanced up at the heartbeat passing, trying to identify who it belonged to from the smell. It wasn't unfamiliar, but he couldn't put a specific name or face to it. The vampire had been reading even more mythology since Rex telling him to simply get out of his life, as if any answers could be found in the legend of Herakles. His feelings for the scientist had not lessened and the immortal felt a pain that he had not felt since Lestat spoke of Marius. The longer he considered Rex's words, the more memories rose in the back of his mind, threatening to override the much more cool-tempered Armand and bring out the cruel, cultish Armand who fed on children.

But, the vampire wanted privacy and wouldn't get that here in the common room. He had to retreat to his room before the memories surfaced anymore. The last time this had happened, Rex had been there to talk him away from those memories, helped him to regain himself. He moved toward the door and began through the doorway.


Only if you excuse mine. lost_undercover February 24 2011, 04:42:52 UTC
Costigan saw Armand moving toward him and he couldn't help himself. Maybe it was all the stress, maybe it was that he still felt like he was withdrawing from the pills. Maybe it was something else entirely. Whatever the reason, the inmate cocked back a fist before he even knew what he was doing to try to slam a punch square into Armand's cheekbone. It played out like slow motion as his body angled one way and then the other in a more fluid motion, arm extending out toward the other man. As soon as it was launched, however, everything caught up at an obscenely fast pace and the former undercover was struggling to catch his thoughts up with his behaviors ( ... )


Perhaps! whattasteisthis February 24 2011, 21:46:30 UTC
Armand hadn't expected Costigan to start anything, hell, the vampire didn't even know him enough to expect much of anything. The punch pushed the vampire's momentum in the opposite direction, taking him back into the common room, more out of surprise than any true force. His already unsteady control over his memories rocked and tipped and as he felt a hand on him, seizing him and sending him backwards further into the room. He hit the floor before he could properly process what had happened and think of anything other than his mentor. Where was Marius? Why wasn't he here?


How deviously noncommittal. >:3 lost_undercover February 25 2011, 01:50:49 UTC
This was going better than Costigan could have hoped and he took full advantage of the situation while it lasted, straddling Armand almost immediately to launch a series of punches at both his face and torso. Either the guy was suicidal, which the former undercover would take advantage of, or he'd just been taken by surprise and would be retaliating, which meant Costigan didn't have much time at all. Obviously one was better to plan for than the other, so the Bostonian was carefully attentive to when he might be thrown off with the hope he would at least land on his elbows or something.


lost_undercover February 24 2011, 04:25:36 UTC
Costigan's arm hung around the warden's shoulders and he leaned heavily into the man. Things like this were just what you did when you were as fucked up as he was because it was the only way to reasonably get around. The inmate had insisted on going to Donny's room instead of the infirmary to get patched up partially to avoid painkillers, though he hadn't told Donny that, and partially because he didn't want them asking questions about the scars he'd gotten from his detoxing near-suicide. All things considered, he was just bruised a little, bleeding from all over, and his neck felt a little like it would never be able to catch a full breath again; none of these were things that would kill him ( ... )


actuallyagolem February 24 2011, 04:41:11 UTC
It had been fucking brutal. Donny was used to brutal scenes, what with the war and having been involved up to his neck in most of them, but coming across one in the middle of the Barge had been a little unsettling. He was glad he got there when he did, because Costigan really didn't look so good and Donny knew he wasn't the kind of guy to stop just because he got strangled.

They walked along in silence, Donny wondering what the fuck happened but keeping those thoughts to himself, thank-you-very-much. At least for the time being anyway. Donny was just hoping there had been a damn good reason for the fight, and not just because Costigan had a deathwish or Armand wanted a snack.

Donny glanced over towards Costigan when he spoke, looking at his feet to make sure they were still keeping a steady pace. Not too much further before they'd be at his cabin, and Donny hoped that Costigan would at least let him get his warden. "No problem. You look like hell."


lost_undercover February 25 2011, 01:42:46 UTC
The silence was appreciated. If nothing else, he was grateful that Donny was the type to respect that sometimes, one just needed to not talk. The idea of explaining that he needed to punch Armand, a vampire with a bad attitude, for violating Rex, one of his better friends on the boat, over a year ago? He knew it wasn't the strongest argument.. and that was assuming he would even be willing to involve Rex in this at all; it seemed easier to lie and take the blame himself.

At his friend's reply, Costigan gave a small chuckle. Despite all the blood and the searing pain that spread through his throat at the use of his voicebox. "Thanks."


batmanschmatman February 25 2011, 02:25:36 UTC
Dick had been in the CES when it happened, going through more escrima drills with Steph. She was improving, definitely getting to the point where he could let her graduate to real sticks, but any training had to be cut off when suddenly, out of no where, his item had started responding. It was only for a few seconds, but Dick wasn't an idiot. He knew how this worked. If something had happened to activate it, Costigan was in trouble and needed help ( ... )


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