Like a boss

Feb 21, 2011 10:55

Who: Saito and YOU (or you, and you're welcome too)
What: Not one for routine, but here's a day in the life of a Japanese businessman/warden
Where: All over, Level 6 and upwards.
When: All day
Warnings: None as of yet...

A day in the life of a GQMF...

robert capa, billy costigan, jim hawkins, saito, a day in the life, irving braxiatel

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Comments 53

Afternoon | Level 5 Library boughtitall February 20 2011, 21:56:35 UTC
Saito doesn't emerge from his room until late morning, dressed to the nines in the usual three-piece and heading straight for the library. He takes his time rifling through the shelves and books though apparently engrossed almost entirely in the Bushido literature.


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boughtitall February 21 2011, 06:30:14 UTC
His own research came from memory, authors and books that he'd once read himself and now digging up English translations for a certain inmate of his to do some homework. If modern laws weren't work, then perhaps some ancient virtues were in order.

There's only a simple glance spared for the other at first, more interested in reading than conversing, but as the question arises, Saito does as asked with the utmost politeness. "A little light reading?" Heike handed over as he catches a glimpse of the Kenkō literature.


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Late Afternoon | Level 1 Dining Hal boughtitall February 20 2011, 21:57:12 UTC
Might be a good idea to get some food inside him at some point during the day seeing as he skipped breakfast in favour of several shots of coffee. Don't mind him, just chowing down on some udon noodles and nosing in on other conversations with epic listening skills.


Have a voicetwin to add to this facetwin pile knowsitsreal February 21 2011, 08:37:30 UTC
Coming to the Barge had been sort of weird in a lot of ways for Jim, probably mostly in that he suddenly found out he had a completely different point of origin from pretty much everyone else on the ship, and not just in a oh we're from a few quadrants over or something way. As such, the last several days had been devoted to trying to find out more about exactly what he was missing out on, which apparently included people's food, as whatever this guy he was passing by was eating was different but not at the same time, and he paused for a second to regard it curiously.

"Looks good."

Which was more or less the teenager's way of asking what exactly it was. Conversation skills had never necessarily been one of Jim's stronger suits.


the barge is just one big inception soundalike/lookalike orgy boughtitall February 21 2011, 09:34:31 UTC
Coming to the barge has been weird in a lot of ways for Saito, and yet he's still settling into the familiar side of things (like eating) and just adapting to the weirder side of things (like inmates and floating through space).

Being bothered while eating isn't something he's quite so used to.

Still, he spares the teen a glance and a pause in nomming, because hey, he knows that voice, "It is... Have we met?"


Early Evening | On Deck boughtitall February 20 2011, 21:57:40 UTC
That view hasn't got old yet. Lost in his own thoughts as he leans on the railings and stares out, though still acutely aware of his surroundings, thank you very much.


Re: Early Evening | On Deck ourlastbesthope February 21 2011, 01:16:03 UTC
Capa always had work to do and, after spending a while in the lab with Crane, he really needed to get out. The deck was always a sanctuary for him, at least, and so that was his destination.

He headed towards the railing, leaning against it. "The stars have changed again," he commented lightly to the man nearby. He might as well try to be social.


boughtitall February 21 2011, 06:16:09 UTC
Saito's taken a liking to the deck himself. He's never been a fan of being confined to one place and even with the size of the barge, below deck can feel just a little too cramped at times. And so, on deck he is.

"Have they?" A simple curiosity as he tilts his head towards his newest company, sparing only the briefest of glances. The similarity is odd. Too odd.


ourlastbesthope February 21 2011, 13:47:14 UTC
"Just a little. I observed it earlier this morning, before I went to the lab. But we're not moving at the speed I thought." He turned towards the other man, recognizing his voice from their previous conversation.

"Mr. Saito, right?"


Evening | Level +2 CES (Closed Ecological System) boughtitall February 20 2011, 21:58:10 UTC
It's proving difficult to properly relax in his own room, too much of a reminder of numerous memories and not quite zen enough, so Saito's found the gem that is the CES to use for a few well spent hours. Decked out in navy, linen Samue, he can likely be found cross-legged under a cherry blossom or some such cliché, hands loosely resting in his lap and eyes closed, lost in his own little world. But yes, he knows this place isn't solely for his use.


Late Evening/Early morning | Level +1 Pub boughtitall February 20 2011, 21:59:05 UTC
Unable to sleep quite so easily these days, resorting to alcohol is the next best option, decked out in his suit once more, jacket off but waistcoat on. Maybe if he drinks enough he'll eventually knock himself out. It won't be until the very early hours of the morning that he'll drag himself back to his room... If he can move.


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