Who: Martha and Snape
What: Post brawl patch ups.
When:: After
This in process log
Where: The infirmary.
Warnings: Snape's opinions on House?
Notes: We're handwaving how he ended up in the infirmary for the moment while the rest of the log processes out.
It was a good thing that Snape was so beat up, because otherwise Martha Jones might have punched him again. She stood next to him, holding the scanner and tracing it over him, watching him with a rather cold expression in her eyes. Well, he may not have killed House, but clearly he'd done a damn fine job of making the effort. Well, they'd both done a fine job of making the effort on one another.
She couldn't believe that he had tried it. Granted, Martha did understand why: House had taken his wand and current circumstances had made it so that it wasn't as if Snape could simply pop back home and find someone else to make him another one, and lord knew if the Admiral would even restore it if something actually had happened to it.
Frowning, Martha spoke softly. "Well, you've separated your bloody shoulder," well, that 'bloody bit wasn't professional, and was one of the few times she'd actually sworn at a patient who wasn't trying to kill themselves or someone else (or the Master). "And you've got a broken nose, which I hope was worth it."