Who: Martha and Snape
What: Post brawl patch ups.
When:: After
This in process log
Where: The infirmary.
Warnings: Snape's opinions on House?
Notes: We're handwaving how he ended up in the infirmary for the moment while the rest of the log processes out.
It was a good thing that Snape was so beat up, because otherwise Martha Jones might have punched him again. )
Comments 39
He wasn't about to tell her about his injury to the groin. He'd deal with that on his own.
It didn't matter how injured he was at this exact moment, anyway. He looked down at the wand that he clutched in his hands like a trophy, grateful House had been lying when he said he'd thrown it over the rail. There was that, at least.
He didn't respond, however. That insertion of profanity in her lecture suggested she didn't want to know just how worth it he felt the fight had been.
The question was asked quickly, while Martha moved to forcibly tilt his chin back and look at his nose. Thankfully he'd gotten the bleeding to stop, so now there was just the crack in the bone. "You didn't do any permenant damages to your sinuses thank goodness, but you're going to be bruised for a while."
Martha was trying very hard not to yell at him, at least in the middle of the infirmary where anyone could hear.
With no small amount of bitterness, he thought to himself that, if this were a proper infirmary, she could have him patched up and on his way without a sling or bed rest. Of course, if this were a proper infirmary, however, an auror would be waiting at the door to haul him right back to Azkaban.
He jerked his chin away from her hands and quickly discovered a new injury - there was a relatively bad crick in his neck, likely from just before he bit House's hand. There was a split second during which Severus Snape dearly hoped he had rabies.
"I can breathe." Through my mouth..., he added privately. He pulled a face at the realization that his "th" sounded like a "d".
That said, when he jerked his chin from her hands, Martha looked a bit hurt for a split second, but covered it quickly. He had every right to be angry with her, considering how completely livid she was with him at the moment.
When there was the stuffed up sounding sound to the 'th', Martha may have allowed herself the smallest of amused expressions. The amusement lightened her tone a little bit. "I don't know if you have a decongestant potion, but we've got some here that may help. Also, how do you want to work on managing your pain. Tomorrow you're going to feel like hell." That was said well more chipperly than she needed to.
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