Welcome to Masterworld D:

Apr 11, 2010 10:29

When: Nowish.
What: LA RESISTANCE mingling. Chatting. Inara being manly. Spike aka "William" being womanly. Kirk recruiting people by sleeping with them. You wish you had John Wilkes Booth as your childhood friend. WHATEVER YOU WANT, GUYS.
Where: Some super secret, dilapidated building on the outskirts of the city as ZE HOME ( Read more... )

imriel nó montrève de la courcel, john wilkes booth, inara serra, nyota uhura, captain james t. kirk, port, angel, spike

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Comments 67

willtrytobegood April 11 2010, 17:42:53 UTC
"You should be more careful of that." Imriel stepped into the room, hair pulled back in a series of small braids. He'd taken to spending most of his time here, in the resistance's hide out; it afforded his family some small measure of safety. Better that he had disappeared, than openly join the resistance and put them in danger.

"Are you all right?"


captain_jtkirk April 11 2010, 17:53:48 UTC
Jim came around the other side of the table, sparing the map and Imriel a quick glance before he shifted his attention back to Inara. He didn't exactly think it was the smartest plan of action for the leader of the Resistance to run around the city with those posters. What if she was caught? What did she think that would do for morale?

"You need anything? A drink? Cigarette? A place to sleep because you're pushing yourself too much?"

This was his version of fussing and if she said no, then he'd drop it. But he'd probably still worry because well. That was just what he did.


madrassa April 11 2010, 18:17:32 UTC
Dammit Jim. She knows what you're doing.

Still staring up at the ceiling, her scowl seemed to lessen, "I'm out of smokes, but if you have any, it's better than breathing this shit air."

The last few months had been something akin to hell for Inara. Her face had been on bulletins and posters all over the city, and she had hardly been able to leave the base without some sort of elaborate disguise and an escort. There came a point -- more specifically, last night -- when asking her closest friends to do all of the dangerous grunt work had boiled over. She was capable. She was willing. It wasn't until Jim's voice broke her reverie that she realized how risky that move had actually been.

Shifting so that she could get a good look at Imriel, a hint of a tired, worried smile played across her features.

"I shall live to hide like a rat in a hole for another day, I think. With any hope."

Sitting up, then, and glancing at Kirk, she retained her general business-like tone, "Any new intel on these maps? Are they real?"


(The comment has been removed)

For JIM...and, if anyone else who needs to join? lt_n_uhura April 11 2010, 18:46:49 UTC
Nyota came back and dropped a now empty bag down onto the floor before she slid down beside it, leaning tiredly against the wall. She was mostly covered in mud and dirt, shoeless, and generally unhappy with the world. But at least she was able to do something now.

She had slipped through filthy waters and came through to the other side alive after being chased...but she had lost all of her posters in the process. Now she had to go out of her way to return for more. This was now her life.

Standing up, leaving her soaking bag where it lay, she searched out Jim, nodding to any she passed.


I'mma say this is after the Inara times. captain_jtkirk April 11 2010, 19:03:00 UTC
Jim was pretty busy, you know... staring at a scrap of paper with a small frown of concentration playing at the corners of his mouth. Occasionally he brought a cigarette to his lips, taking a puff or letting it hang there as he sketched something out on the paper. The posters that he'd just made weren't even all the way distributed and he was already working on the next one. Well, the next three were technically in development but two of them were vague ideas and he didn't have them on paper yet.

Making posters was nothing really compared to going out on the streets himself and seducing people into the cause with his charm. But he'd been out the night before and didn't think it was much of a good idea to go out two nights in a row, in case someone had blabbed and people were on alert.

He stopped sketching and crossed something out, and leaned back in his chair, catching a glimpse of Nyota out of the corner of his eye as he did so. And he smiled just a little bit, beckoning her over. "You look like you had fun," he commented dryly.


Good timing! lt_n_uhura April 11 2010, 19:13:35 UTC
Hearing his voice, she padded over quietly and pulled her hair back in a messy bun at the nape of her neck. She was mostly dry by now, at least, and it wasn't so cold, but she was still, as usual, in a rather grumpy mood. Jim usually seemed to help that. Usually.

Putting a hand on his shoulder, she returned that small smile and leaned over, trying to look to see what he was making.

"You know I always have fun. Damned idiots chasing me around. I need more posters. The others are floating down the river." She reached over, moving to try and take a drag from his cigarette. She needed more than that but...well, that was all she was going to get.


captain_jtkirk April 11 2010, 22:46:03 UTC
"Hey!" Jim protested when she reached for the cigarette, though that was really all of the effort he put into stopping her from taking it. Hell, she could have her own if she just asked him for it, or fleeced it from his pocket.

It was about as domestic as they got it, sharing cigarettes.

"I can get more posters in the morning. Are you alright?"


open, if you wanna thread with the creepy lurker whatweoncewere April 11 2010, 20:56:14 UTC
Liam had heard that there was a resistance against the Master, and after making connections and following leads, he had found it. He wasn't sure he wanted to join - group activities weren't really his thing - but he wanted to help.

He was standing quietly in one corner of a room, watching as people came and went, figuring out who the players were.

[ooc: Angel, like Spike, is going by his original name during port. I decided this three seconds ago because I'm on top of things :c]


pfft <3 rudolphofvamps April 11 2010, 22:01:14 UTC
Will sensed the guy the second he walked in, but he'd managed to hold off looking at him until now. That face.. inspired instant dislike, but also a sense of familiarity that made him uncomfortable. He found himself glancing over periodically, like a girl with a crush, and finally he couldn't take it anymore. He got up, swaying a bit from alcohol and the day he'd had, and made for the door, intentionally slamming into Liam on his way out.


whatweoncewere April 11 2010, 22:11:49 UTC
Liam had been looking at someone else when the man bumped into him. He immediately turned his attention to the stranger, glowering at him.

"Hey, watch it," he snapped, drawing away from Will, back into the shadows.


rudolphofvamps April 11 2010, 22:14:41 UTC
"Uh-uh, outside," he hissed, shoving the taller man backwards a few times towards the doors. "You're gonna have a smoke with me."


For Inara :D rudolphofvamps April 11 2010, 22:03:14 UTC
"Careful, luv," he chided, voice a little hoarse as he slid his flask across the counter and settled in beside her. "Your face'll get stuck that way."


Whoo <3 madrassa April 11 2010, 22:16:08 UTC
She laughs at that softly, and flops forward, leaning her elbows on the table and resting her chin in her hands. Looking idly down at the maps, plans, and posters littering the entire table, speaking softly, "A blessing in disguise. If my face sticks, maybe I'll be able to go out in public action. See some real action."


Re: Whoo <3 rudolphofvamps April 11 2010, 22:18:55 UTC
He rolled his eyes, tilting the flask towards her in askance, setting it in front of her as he lit a cigarette.

"How much you wanna bet those poster's are all down when I make rounds in the morning?"


madrassa April 11 2010, 22:22:59 UTC
She shakes her head with another laugh, this one with an edge of bitterness. Then, she takes a long pull from the flask, wincing a little at the taste. There was once a time when she couldn't drink liquor without a chaser. When her face wasn't covered in dirt and her hair wasn't always matted.

"Even so. I really needed to get out, Will. I'm losing my mind. There has to be something else I can do, rather than sit on my ass and wait for things to cool down."


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