Welcome to Masterworld D:

Apr 11, 2010 10:29

When: Nowish.
What: LA RESISTANCE mingling. Chatting. Inara being manly. Spike aka "William" being womanly. Kirk recruiting people by sleeping with them. You wish you had John Wilkes Booth as your childhood friend. WHATEVER YOU WANT, GUYS.
Where: Some super secret, dilapidated building on the outskirts of the city as ZE HOME ( Read more... )

imriel nó montrève de la courcel, john wilkes booth, inara serra, nyota uhura, captain james t. kirk, port, angel, spike

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For JIM...and, if anyone else who needs to join? lt_n_uhura April 11 2010, 18:46:49 UTC
Nyota came back and dropped a now empty bag down onto the floor before she slid down beside it, leaning tiredly against the wall. She was mostly covered in mud and dirt, shoeless, and generally unhappy with the world. But at least she was able to do something now.

She had slipped through filthy waters and came through to the other side alive after being chased...but she had lost all of her posters in the process. Now she had to go out of her way to return for more. This was now her life.

Standing up, leaving her soaking bag where it lay, she searched out Jim, nodding to any she passed.


I'mma say this is after the Inara times. captain_jtkirk April 11 2010, 19:03:00 UTC
Jim was pretty busy, you know... staring at a scrap of paper with a small frown of concentration playing at the corners of his mouth. Occasionally he brought a cigarette to his lips, taking a puff or letting it hang there as he sketched something out on the paper. The posters that he'd just made weren't even all the way distributed and he was already working on the next one. Well, the next three were technically in development but two of them were vague ideas and he didn't have them on paper yet.

Making posters was nothing really compared to going out on the streets himself and seducing people into the cause with his charm. But he'd been out the night before and didn't think it was much of a good idea to go out two nights in a row, in case someone had blabbed and people were on alert.

He stopped sketching and crossed something out, and leaned back in his chair, catching a glimpse of Nyota out of the corner of his eye as he did so. And he smiled just a little bit, beckoning her over. "You look like you had fun," he commented dryly.


Good timing! lt_n_uhura April 11 2010, 19:13:35 UTC
Hearing his voice, she padded over quietly and pulled her hair back in a messy bun at the nape of her neck. She was mostly dry by now, at least, and it wasn't so cold, but she was still, as usual, in a rather grumpy mood. Jim usually seemed to help that. Usually.

Putting a hand on his shoulder, she returned that small smile and leaned over, trying to look to see what he was making.

"You know I always have fun. Damned idiots chasing me around. I need more posters. The others are floating down the river." She reached over, moving to try and take a drag from his cigarette. She needed more than that but...well, that was all she was going to get.


captain_jtkirk April 11 2010, 22:46:03 UTC
"Hey!" Jim protested when she reached for the cigarette, though that was really all of the effort he put into stopping her from taking it. Hell, she could have her own if she just asked him for it, or fleeced it from his pocket.

It was about as domestic as they got it, sharing cigarettes.

"I can get more posters in the morning. Are you alright?"


lt_n_uhura April 11 2010, 22:53:16 UTC
She could take her own, yes, but it wouldn't taste as good as the one he had. Taking a long drag from it, she turned and rested against the desk he was working at.

"As alright as I'm going to be. It's a dangerous job, you know. While you sit here, all cushy and comfortable," she leaned down, blowing smoke to the side while she searched his face, "I'm out there, putting out all your pretty posters."


captain_jtkirk April 11 2010, 23:09:09 UTC
What? Being stealing makes things taste sweeter? How romantic.

Jim arched an eyebrow at her, trying his hardest not to smile. Or to reach over and pull her into his lap and stick his tongue down her throat because that was infinitely more interesting than poster design or her whining about how hard it was on the streets.

"Are you calling me lazy?" he asked, tipping his head to the side.


lt_n_uhura April 11 2010, 23:22:15 UTC
If Nyota wanted to whine, she would whine. This was more...blowing off steam from being out there. Because real women don't feel fear- they just gripe about what happens and blame it all on other people.

"Why? Aren't you...Sir?" She moved in front of him then, straddling his lap to try and block his view of the posters.

"Jim, I heard the message the Master sent. Those people...whoever they are. They don't stand a chance here." She pulled a knife from the back of her pants to make her perch more comfortable and less...dangerous.


captain_jtkirk April 12 2010, 01:48:12 UTC
"I'm a lot of things," Jim answered, resting his hands on her thighs lightly, drawing little idle circles on her right leg with his thumb. The movement stopped after what she said next, and turned into more of a taptaptap against her leg before he pulled her closer.

"We don't have the resources to house all of those people you know," he commented, sighing a little bit. But if the Master wanted them all out of the way, it had to mean he had a reason to fear them. They could use the manpower but it might also attract attention to themselves that they couldn't afford right now.

"You feeling up for a walk tomorrow?"


lt_n_uhura April 12 2010, 01:54:41 UTC
Despite that tough exterior, Nyota did have a compassionate side. Before the Master and his two main goons came, she had a family. She had two younger sisters that she took care of, along with her grandmother. But they were all long gone and she had only herself now.

Well, and Jim on occasion. Needless to say, it had been a difficult few years.

When he said that they wouldn't be able to house them, she made a face and shook her head. Eddie would be able to house a few...she hoped.

"A walk, Jim? And where exactly are we going to walk?" She extinguished the cigarette and reached in his pockets for another.


captain_jtkirk April 12 2010, 02:04:49 UTC
"South," Jim said simply, watching her extract the cigarette. "That's my last one, you know," he told her and because of that simple fact, he wasn't going to find her a lighter. She probably had one stuffed down her shirt anyway.

"Maybe we'll see who's out there, and we can replenish everyone's smokes while we're out."


lt_n_uhura April 12 2010, 02:11:36 UTC
Not in her shirt. She had more important items in her shirt. But she did sit up a bit, consequently moving closer to him, and pulled a lighter out of her front pocket.

"Tough. What are you going to do about it?" She lit it and placed the lighter behind her, on the table.

"No posters, though. I'll finish them up in the morning and then I'm done for the day."


captain_jtkirk April 12 2010, 02:24:18 UTC
"I'm going to start hiding them better from you, is what I'm doing to do," Jim retorted as he pinched her side.

He nodded after a moment, coming to the conclusion that it might not be the best idea to wander down to a bunch of strangers you knew nothing about while waving around resistance posters. Maybe it was just a ploy of the Master's to draw people out.

"You're not done until you get your number put up, no matter how many rivers get in your way."


lt_n_uhura April 12 2010, 02:29:19 UTC
She took the cigarette from her lips after jerking away from the pinch. Leaning forward, she rested her arms on his shoulders and moved fully into his lap, her bare toes playing gently on the floor.

"Is that an official order...sir?" She said the last word with playful disdain, raising a brow as she almost dared him to call her out on it.


captain_jtkirk April 12 2010, 02:48:08 UTC
"Mmmn, yeah it is," Kirk replied after a long moment of deliberation. He moved an arm around her waist, holding her in place as he reached out of the other hand to swipe the cigarette from her.

"Five lashings if you don't follow through," he told her, taking a drag. And by lashings, he meant smacks to her ass and that would... probably happen regardless. "And maybe five more for insolence."


lt_n_uhura April 12 2010, 02:55:31 UTC
She leaned forward, licking his lips playfully, not caring if any of the others saw. Everyone knew what went on with Jim and Nyota, after all.

"Yeah? And are you going to do it, tough guy?"

Sitting back, leaning against the arm around her waist, Nyota pushed a few strands of hair from her face.


captain_jtkirk April 12 2010, 03:06:44 UTC
Surely everyone in their right mind has looked away or left the room by now.

Jim brought the cigarette back to his mouth and took a long drag off of it, blowing out the smoke slowly as he considered her. Yeah, alright he could play this game for now, though he utterly refused to have sex with her on that table.

So he brought his hand down on her bottom hard, though with where she was sitting, it landed more on her hip.



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