(no subject)

Jan 08, 2010 17:47

Who: Open to anyone and everyone.
Where: The dining hall.
When: First night of the flood.
Warning: Will have to update as we go.
Note: Nero is currently Mirror!Nero, and so is much less of a snarly jackass. He'll probably actually be helpful if people need it. XD

Though he'd lived his adult life on a spaceship rather than a traditional sea-going vessel, a collision was a collision, and Admiral reassurance or no, he wasn't going to leave it un-investigated. Old habits died hard, especially when one had spent so long as a ship's captain as Nero had. Just because their worry was water rather than explosive decompression didn't mean he shouldn't at least make quite certain everything was all right.

He'd been working on his Timeline--a slow process, considering how much he had to write--and he stuffed his notebook into his pocket when he stood, along with his pen. Someone had to be able to give him more information than the Admiral's announcement.

nero, flood, t'pol

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