(no subject)

Jan 09, 2010 02:33

Who: Shego, Dr. McCoy, Cap'n Kirk
Where: The Infirmary
When: First night of the flood
Warning: Probably some violence/language and references to torture. GOOD TIMES.

Shego took her sweet time getting to the Infirmary - a good ten minutes later than the hour Kirk had demanded - but she went. Her and the Captain's relationship hadn't changed a whole lot since she'd first shown up - she would try her best to take care of the other Inmates, he'd snap at her for it, she'd snap back and eventually she'd cross the line and the result was painful.

The line moved around a lot, too, which didn't help. But despite herself, she kept her head up and her back straight when she walked into the infirmary.

leonard mccoy, captain james t. kirk, shego

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