
Mar 16, 2009 00:46

WHO: Keith and Veronica
WHEN: towards the end of port
WHERE: the Endless Forest

Keith had no inmate to look out for, so he'd decided to pry into his daughter's business instead. )

veronica mars, keith mars, port

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petite_sleuth March 16 2009, 05:24:40 UTC
Veronica was... happy. A thousand times happier then she ever remembered being in her stepfather's castle, a place that was a distant memory by now. Her sister and stepsisters and everyone back there hardly ever crossed her thoughts anymore. She was content in her castle in the middle of the woods with her Beast and her talking household objects. It wasn't really the happily ever after that most princesses dreamed of it but it worked for her.

She didn't know about the curse and hadn't really seen the Beast in almost a day but she didn't think anything of it.

It was a beautiful day and she decided that the vase in the library could use some fresh flowers, and so she headed outdoors into the sunshine. Veronica was inspecting one of the rose bushes when she looked up and saw a funny little man standing not too far off.

"Hello there!" she called, grinning and waving at him to come closer.


petite_sleuth March 17 2009, 07:04:19 UTC
"Do you see what I'm wearing?" Veronica pushed her hand against the skirt of her dress with some measure of disgust. Now she liked to dress up and get pretty like any normal girl and she had skirts in her wardrobe, a dress even too but this was a little over the top.

She would miss the castle though. The weather here was pretty nice too.

"No pony's worth this," she added, shaking her head. "You do know how to get us out of here, right? You let me down here and I don't think I'll ever forgive you."


bald_sleuth March 17 2009, 07:45:34 UTC
"I do see what you're wearing, and I was being gentlemanly and choosing not to comment." Keith secretly thought that no ridiculous dress could make his kid look bad, but he wasn't going to pass up an opportunity for a little lighthearted mockery.

He slid one arm around Veronica's shoulders and started to guide her in the direction he knew the ship to be anchored. "And of course I know how to get out of here. You really think your old man would go anyplace he didn't know how to get out of?"


petite_sleuth March 17 2009, 22:41:21 UTC
"Yeah," Veronica replied easily, walking with him. She cast a quick glance over her shoulder at the castle. Talking household objects were kind of cool. She wanted to grab one and put it in her pocket or something. It'd probably be an even better guardian then Backup.

"If he was on pain killers or he couldn't see where he was going to because of the dead rodent on his face," she elaborated, grinning at him cheekily.

But she sobered up a moment later as they walked. "Hey here's a fun question. There was only one of me when I came out of Mom, right?"


bald_sleuth March 18 2009, 00:51:24 UTC
"And what's that on your head?" Keith retorted, touching a hand to her hair, which was a lot poofier than usual.

He though about her question, wondering where it came from. "Don't tell me, somebody's cloned you," he said. "Honestly, Veronica, I was a little on edge that night, but I seem to recall you being the only one."


petite_sleuth March 18 2009, 03:28:13 UTC
"Oh. Good," Veronica said, biting her lip for a moment. The twin theory, while upsetting and would rock her entire world was the best one she had for the resemblance she shared with Elle Bishop. And she had to wonder if the girl was any relation to Carrie and while that probably wouldn't solve anything, it'd be a fun fact.

So was it really possible to just have a doppelganger?

Veronica doubted it.

"Did you make fun of my hair? At least mine is like strands of sunshine."


bald_sleuth March 20 2009, 06:17:50 UTC
"What's the matter, honey? Has someone been impersonating you?" Keith was mostly teasing, though he did want to know why his daughter was suddenly asking if she was really an only child.

He scoffed at her comment about her hair. "It's gorgeous, but it won't keep you warm in the winter. This," he patted his beard, "will keep my face comfortable at temperatures well below zero."


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