
Mar 16, 2009 00:46

WHO: Keith and Veronica
WHEN: towards the end of port
WHERE: the Endless Forest

Keith had no inmate to look out for, so he'd decided to pry into his daughter's business instead. )

veronica mars, keith mars, port

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Comments 22

petite_sleuth March 16 2009, 05:24:40 UTC
Veronica was... happy. A thousand times happier then she ever remembered being in her stepfather's castle, a place that was a distant memory by now. Her sister and stepsisters and everyone back there hardly ever crossed her thoughts anymore. She was content in her castle in the middle of the woods with her Beast and her talking household objects. It wasn't really the happily ever after that most princesses dreamed of it but it worked for her.

She didn't know about the curse and hadn't really seen the Beast in almost a day but she didn't think anything of it.

It was a beautiful day and she decided that the vase in the library could use some fresh flowers, and so she headed outdoors into the sunshine. Veronica was inspecting one of the rose bushes when she looked up and saw a funny little man standing not too far off.

"Hello there!" she called, grinning and waving at him to come closer.


bald_sleuth March 16 2009, 05:30:41 UTC
That was a happy surprise. Keith gave Veronica a disapproving look as he walked over to her.

"Enjoying castle life, honey?" he asked, raising one hand to scratch his beard. The damn thing itched.


petite_sleuth March 16 2009, 05:38:43 UTC
Veronica frowned at him, the look on her face still staying pretty and radiating sunshine and rainbows despite the fact that she had no idea why he'd called her honey. She was confused but she felt like that was no reason to be mean to this poor stranger even if he was giving her that mean look.

"I like it here a lot," Veronica said, casting a fond glance towards the castle before looking back at him.

"Are you lost, little... dwarf? Not many people come this way."


bald_sleuth March 16 2009, 05:41:55 UTC
"No, actually, I was looking for you." Keith continued frowning at her, wondering what he was supposed to do to make her remember who she really was. Was this some kind of brainwashing? Or had the Admiral hit her on the head with a really bit mallet to give her amnesia?

"Please tell me you have some hint of a memory of me in there."


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