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Comments 8

tokeruyouna October 20 2013, 12:46:31 UTC
I always took reactions to sudden kisses in dramas as a way of showing how the person feels without having some narration in their head or something, though I often question the realisticness of those reactions.

Although those two have known each other for a long time, I don't think they have a comfortable relationship.

her not-so-secret shipping of Ah Rang and Min Yeong, and now I see it!Is shipping something you have to see? Don't you just arbitrarily decide it? Or feel it? What is your standard for shipping, like how do you decide who to ship and why ( ... )


lastingdreams8 October 20 2013, 22:30:52 UTC
I didn't even think about shipping Ah Rang x Min Yeong until she mentioned it. When I say I 'see,' it's the evidence of their potential relationship. For me, shipping isn't entirely arbitrary -there needs to be some evidence for it. Sometimes I may pick two completely random characters who hardly interact to ship, but I rarely do that.

I'm really bad at predicting drama turn outs, probably because every new development changes my mind on how things will turn out, lol xD
Now I'm curious -how do you think this drama will turn out? :)

...but I do think it means someone means enough for them to have your attention. The thing is, I don't think she hates him.
True - she hasn't really voiced one way or another. She's just been terse.

It is a Kdrama and does need to fill 16 episodes after all. XDLOL, so true ( ... )


tokeruyouna October 21 2013, 16:07:59 UTC
So if you see some interaction that looks like it is/could become couple-y and you like it, then you ship them? I think my shipping (on the rare occasion it happens) is practically 100% random. I mean, I might have "reasons," but they wouldn't constitute your "evidence." By the way, I can't stop thinking that I think you might actually like Secret Garden if you could get over the Stalker vs. Pushover romance because with this explanation of yours there are SO MANY SHIPPING OPTIONS lol ( ... )


lastingdreams8 October 28 2013, 02:18:01 UTC
So if you see some interaction that looks like it is/could become couple-y and you like it, then you ship them?
Yes :D

LOL, I'll add Secret Garden to my list and see how it turns out. Shipping options are a plus! lol

I'm worried that it's annoying for you guys to see my guessing, but I do generally find it exciting.

but why would you carry around an unused band-aid then stick it on a wall?
I think it was Cyrano's idea to plant that there, but if it was the used one...ew, indeed.



l_b_r_h October 21 2013, 13:34:41 UTC
I really liked Ah Rang in the 5th ep. and Moo Jin too.
and so far I like the setting for the next story. this chef guy ))) I knew he is M and I want to see how it goes. I have a feeling the girl may just have some psychological etc problems rather than hating the guy.
so you think Master is Il Lok's old friend? this thought crossed my mind too, but then as the story went on I somehow changed my mind, because he doesn't seem to know much about their story too, and seems to be trying to investigate something. (shit, I just accidentally read who he is lol)
I don't like Yi Seol and the story of her and Il Lok and all that stuff.
in general, this drama seems kind of outfocused for me. I can't get what it is really about. and I don't see much of interesting iteraction between the Cyrano agency staff. it doesn't have a nice balance between the missions and inside the agency and near it relations.
and all this time I've been thinking how are they allowed/manage to put the cameras everywhere?


tokeruyouna October 21 2013, 16:15:02 UTC
I'm looking forward to the next story too because the setting does seem a little more interesting to me.

(shit, I just accidentally read who he is lol)
XD Don't you hate when that happens?

I agree that the drama is unfocused. It has a bunch of interesting ideas but seems to be going in all different directions with them instead of combining them and creating a balance like you said. Plus it seems like the style, pacing, and maturity level keep changing.

True, the story focuses a lot on the "scripts" for getting people together but it doesn't really show much of the technical side of how they actually pull it off.


lastingdreams8 October 28 2013, 02:05:05 UTC
I think Master is Il Lok's old friend...but in later episodes, I think I'm going to change my mind on it too. Like you said, he doesn't know much. (Oh no, spoiler! lol)

Yi Seol's lips are weird to me xD

Yea, I was reading other people's comment on mydramalist, and they were so excited and said this drama was really good, but to me, it's average. Each story is cute and sometimes interesting, but the main story isn't being developed too well.

haha, breaking the laws of reality xD


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