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tokeruyouna October 20 2013, 12:46:31 UTC
I always took reactions to sudden kisses in dramas as a way of showing how the person feels without having some narration in their head or something, though I often question the realisticness of those reactions.

Although those two have known each other for a long time, I don't think they have a comfortable relationship.

her not-so-secret shipping of Ah Rang and Min Yeong, and now I see it!
Is shipping something you have to see? Don't you just arbitrarily decide it? Or feel it? What is your standard for shipping, like how do you decide who to ship and why?

I was going to comment on the telepathy line too. I'm going to have to use that one sometime.

Okay so reading your predictions of how the story is going to pan out and analysis of the line about dying and stuff is cracking me up. My policy is to avoid commenting on how I think the story will go because . . . I'm right 95% of the time lol and think it would spoil the DWA mood. Reading your analysis and predictions makes me think I would be able to enjoy dramas in a whole different way if I was always guessing how things would turn out like you are here. XD

My experience is that touching culture and concepts of personal space are just different in Korea than in the US (more and closer).

I don't know if hate is a form of love, but I do think it means someone means enough for them to have your attention. The thing is, I don't think she hates him.

I was going to say the same thing. Practice gets you nowhere if you don't know how to do it in the first place.

I have a feeling this drama will move in the direction of Master truly falling for Min Yeong
It is a Kdrama and does need to fill 16 episodes after all. XD

Here are my other thoughts:
Episode 5

I suppose I can see why she would believe that those are ideas for scripts because you wouldn’t normally think of things like a dating agency like that. However, I honestly don’t see how they would be interesting scripts lol.

I don’t get what they are saying about the example of cooking to Ah Rang’s first love situation as being short-sighted. Does anyone else get it, or is it maybe a problem with the translation?

I don’t get her worldview on first loves. She calls the main guy a coward for not telling the girl he liked her and says he ran away from it. She is pushing for Ah Rang despite the fact that they have a client who also seems to be having his first love. She comforts people about how first loves are and all. Why is she all know-it-all and trying to force it on other people?

I feel like this episode was kind of a waste. It just seemed like an extra long dramatization of what we could already surmise at the end of the last episode, so I felt like it was pointless to use an entire episode on it without any new information.

Carrying around someone’s band-aid is gross.

Episode 6

I don’t really get the feeling that main guy is an S. . . .

Ah Rang dressing as a girl would likely be more interesting than most of the rest of this story.


lastingdreams8 October 20 2013, 22:30:52 UTC
I didn't even think about shipping Ah Rang x Min Yeong until she mentioned it. When I say I 'see,' it's the evidence of their potential relationship. For me, shipping isn't entirely arbitrary -there needs to be some evidence for it. Sometimes I may pick two completely random characters who hardly interact to ship, but I rarely do that.

I'm really bad at predicting drama turn outs, probably because every new development changes my mind on how things will turn out, lol xD
Now I'm curious -how do you think this drama will turn out? :)

...but I do think it means someone means enough for them to have your attention. The thing is, I don't think she hates him.
True - she hasn't really voiced one way or another. She's just been terse.

It is a Kdrama and does need to fill 16 episodes after all. XD
LOL, so true!

I really liked the comparison of Ah Rang x girl with chef x food, but I was confused too as to why it was short-sighted or whatever the Master said it was xD

She probably has some unresolved thing from her first love that makes her want to interfere with everyone else's first love experience as a way to make up for her own mistakes? xD

Carrying around someone’s band-aid is gross.
YEA! >.< I was hoping it was the same kind of band-aid but unused, lol.

Based on Min Yeong's definition of DoS as, "you have a sparkle in your eye when you give people a hard time," I would say Il Lok fits the bill. But he's not deriving sexual pleasure...so maybe that's the missing piece? lol

Ah Rang dressing as a girl would likely be more interesting than most of the rest of this story.
I hope this happens at some point >.>


tokeruyouna October 21 2013, 16:07:59 UTC
So if you see some interaction that looks like it is/could become couple-y and you like it, then you ship them? I think my shipping (on the rare occasion it happens) is practically 100% random. I mean, I might have "reasons," but they wouldn't constitute your "evidence." By the way, I can't stop thinking that I think you might actually like Secret Garden if you could get over the Stalker vs. Pushover romance because with this explanation of yours there are SO MANY SHIPPING OPTIONS lol.

But don't you find it exciting that you change your mind about how it is going to turn out all the time? Or is it tiring or annoying?

I think this drama will turn out . . . nothing like you are imagining ;)

Yeah I understood the comparison, just not the short-sighted.

I just remembered she used to work at a regular match-making agency. I think in a way she would be a really annoying agent, but at least she cares. So maybe that's why she thinks/acts the way she does? Or maybe she took that job BECAUSE she thinks/acts the way she does? Hmm.

At first I thought it might be unused too, but why would you carry around an unused band-aid then stick it on a wall? And he should have had one on his hand from when he punched the wall or whatever. Then again if he had been holding onto the one she put on his finger ages ago, that is even more gross.

I don't think that's the missing piece because I'm so used to thinking about it in terms of the way Japanese people do that I don't even consider that a necessary element. I just don't see him as one.


lastingdreams8 October 28 2013, 02:18:01 UTC
So if you see some interaction that looks like it is/could become couple-y and you like it, then you ship them?
Yes :D

LOL, I'll add Secret Garden to my list and see how it turns out. Shipping options are a plus! lol

I'm worried that it's annoying for you guys to see my guessing, but I do generally find it exciting.

but why would you carry around an unused band-aid then stick it on a wall?
I think it was Cyrano's idea to plant that there, but if it was the used one...ew, indeed.



tokeruyouna October 28 2013, 11:41:21 UTC
Ah that makes things so much easier to understand! The perplexity that is shipping might just have been solved! I'm saving that definition for future reference.

I wanted to make a "Secret Garden Shipping Options" correlation chart for you, but I think it would be too hard to understand without pictures and I don't know how to make something like that. :(

I'm enjoying the guessing because it's fun and shows me different ways people look at the drama and dramas in general. And it's not like you're spoiling anything for me, so guess away. ;)

I thought it was Cyrano's idea at first, but I wasn't too sure later when she said something about "why did you make him go to the convenience store--if he hadn't left his band-aid it wouldn't have worked out."


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