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Comments 12

impressioniste January 5 2009, 07:21:26 UTC


lassarina January 5 2009, 18:14:14 UTC
Yeah, I know, DDS is horribly painful (I'm spoiled by fic, which is how I got into Megaten in the first place.) But that's okay.

I'm all about Main/Rise, Main/Yukiko, and Main/Yumi. YUMI. So precious!

Yes, yes, I did fuse Mara. XD XD XD XD GIANT PENIS ON A CHARIOT, GO!

And, yeah, all the things that you list are things I would've cited as my reasoning for why Izanami makes PERFECT SENSE. But it kind of requires a deeper level of thought than most people are going to apply to "just a video game," even if SMT in general is a thinky-person's game.


sgreenwell January 5 2009, 22:20:33 UTC
I understand your reasoning, but all of that still barely counts as a footnote / endnote in a 70+ hour game. Like, for example, they mention the War of Magi in FF6. Now imagine that after you beat Kefka, some 4,000 year old dude from that war popped out and said he had been manipulating Kefka all along.

I mean, you couldn't really complain, because they had been feeding you information about the war all along, but it would still feel cheap to me. I feel the same way about P4's "true" ending. Adachi was enough of a stretch to me, nevermind some weird woman who's present for about 1/1000 of the game's scenes.


impressioniste January 6 2009, 05:16:20 UTC
I think it's just one of those things where either you get it and agree with it or understand it, or you don't. If you don't, it's unfortunate, because you'd enjoy it more if you did. For me, it fits into what I'm used to from a Megaten series game. I don't know if you've played Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, but that game gets WAY out there, way more than this one ever does ( ... )


lywellyn January 5 2009, 12:11:43 UTC
I just wanted to say, that as per usual, your tags make me giggle.

That is all.


lassarina January 5 2009, 18:15:41 UTC
:D :D :D

p.s. play Persona 3 so you can play this and we can haz squee!


thenicochan January 21 2009, 16:38:11 UTC
And possibly some extremely fucked-in-the-head Dojima/Adachi.

If you write this for me, I will write you ANYTHING.



lassarina January 21 2009, 16:41:02 UTC
*purrs contentedly* We shall see! I do have to write a metric butt-ton of words this year!

Heee, re-reading this entry because of your comment made me smile thinking about how much I loved P4.


thenicochan January 21 2009, 16:45:02 UTC
Heh, I'm sorry I'm posting all over your journal. I just wanna see all you've been up too. You're definitely one of my favorite journals to read of anyone on LJ.

MC/Yukiko is made of win. I'm also pretty partial to Kanji/MC (And Kanji/Naoto/MC. Mmmmm <3)

I can agree with Chie, she's okay and all...but that's kinda it. Chie/Yukiko could be kinda happy I guess. I dunno. She reminds me of Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo with those glasses of her.

I liked the Izanami side. I kept thinking that the gas station attendant had something going on, but I never thought it would be Izanami. Do you remember whom you used for the final final true final battle? I brought along Yukiko, Teddie and Kanji.

"Bear-sona" is easily the cutest thing to ever exist.


lassarina January 21 2009, 16:47:06 UTC
Ha, it's fine! I love comments no matter when I get them and I am always happy to chat with you.

I found Teddie just a little bit too annoying (I Hate, hate, hate that sound he makes when he walks.) By the time I did Heaven, I had settled on a party of MC, Yukiko, Yosuke, and Kanji because it covered all my bases and had minimal weaknesses, and then MC could cover Hama, Mudo, and Bufu.

Also, Futsununishi is basically the best persona ever anywhere for the final battle. I'm just saying.


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