Jan 05, 2009 00:56

Holy fuck, that was awesome.

So, I was totally going to run around and grind until I had my Compendium complete for everything except the Hanged and Moon max personae plus Izanagi-no-Okami, but then I wanted the ending, so I took on Izanami.


This game just trumped Persona 3 in spades, and I loved it. The only thing that could possibly have made P4 more perfect, to me, was more Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Shinjiro. BUT ANYWAY.

Final stats: level 83, fused I think a total of 5 max-link Personae, compendium 80%, and oh yeah Izanami you don't scare me, just for the record.

Am I the only one who finds a zombie approximating seiza to be, um, kind of ridiculous? I mean, cool, but ridiculous.

One of the things I really like about Persona 4 is that there's more hope in it than there was in P3. I mean, not only do you save the world, but the ending is pretty unequivocally happy, and all the S.Links, while they're more depressing up front than P3's were, end on much more hopeful notes (well, excepting Lovers/Moon/Hanged.)

So. I guess if you are not like me, and prone to patterning things out and leaping to conclusions (or rather, "I didn't jump to conclusions. I took a tiny step and there conclusions were!"), then the Izanami thing comes completely out of left field - but it seemed so obvious to me from the beginning that I guess I'm having difficulty seeing why people felt gypped by it (sorry, sgreenwell!)

I foresee tons of fic in the future. For one thing, I have this insane desire to have Mitsuru visit the Amagi Inn, because I think that would be awesome. And also lots and lots of Kanji/Naoto. And MC/Yukiko. And Yosuke. I guess Chie can hang out, although I'm not all that fond of her. And! And there can be the reunion in May! Hijinks! HIJINKS.

There might also be fucked-up Adachi backstory. And possibly some extremely fucked-in-the-head Dojima/Adachi. And Yukiko. Lots of Yukiko. And Yumi! Basically all the S.Links. They make me squeal. SO CUTE. omg.

So, now that that's done, I do have a playthrough of FF8 to finish (should be done tomorrow night), and then I think I need a few days' breather before I start on my next massive, epic project: Digital Devil Saga.

For now, though, I'm up almost an hour past my bedtime (THANKS, PERSONA 4, BECAUSE I NEEDED TO LOSE MORE SLEEP OVER YOU) and I do actually have to work tomorrow, sorry to say.

Man. That was awesome. Epic, epic awesome.

too many tags, st ajora it's a war lion!, reaction shots, awesomeness cubed, jesus christ it's a horcrux, victory theme!, can i just lick it, video games own my soul, obsessive video gaming ftw, i doubt your commitment to sparklemotion, omg squee, persona 4, capslock of joy, i wants the shiny

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