
Dec 17, 2008 14:02

So there was no retrieval of my computer from Best Buy yesterday, due to METRIC ASSTONS of snow. It took me about double my usual commute to get home. Meh, nothing too spectacular (and it's the super-light, "champagne" type snow, so at least it's easy to get off the car.) This also means it's warmer out today! 20 degrees! So exciting. My ( Read more... )

computer, persona 4

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Comments 23

stephen_poon December 17 2008, 20:42:47 UTC
It took nearly 3x normal time getting home last night. :( LSD and Sheridan were still covered in snow.

Today's drive will be, I hope, significantly less exciting.


lassarina December 17 2008, 20:44:57 UTC
Everything was still covered in snow; I saw at least 3 snowplows go by my office window over the course of the day yesterday, and still the road was coated when I left.

It was better this morning, though, so I'll take what I can get :)


churched December 17 2008, 20:54:32 UTC
I've spiralled down an endless void of self-destruction. I haven't had a proper meal or a good night's sleep since I got this game. XDDD


lassarina December 17 2008, 20:55:08 UTC
Yeah I've been doing the sleep/eat thing and also maintaining my own S.links (booo.)

Icon love!


churched December 17 2008, 20:57:57 UTC
You're a wiser person than I. I don't think I've left my house since last week! Which is actually really quite sad. I did put down the controller to clean my room today, though.

I'm hoping to have P4 beat by today so I can start ficcing/living my life again.


lassarina December 17 2008, 20:59:06 UTC
I've clocked a LOT of hours, but I'm sure part of the disconnect is the whole job thing. Also I feel guilty if I play when the boyfriend is around. So.


therony December 17 2008, 20:54:49 UTC
Trying to live. *blah*


lassarina December 17 2008, 20:55:18 UTC
blah inded. *snugs plushie*


therony December 17 2008, 21:18:13 UTC
I'm not ded yet meglet... just feel like that off and on. O_o


lassarina December 17 2008, 21:19:10 UTC
*casts Life 3*


astrangerenters December 17 2008, 21:17:48 UTC
It usually takes me an hour to get home. Last night? 3 and a half. I was home at 8:30. Sigh.

We're supposed to get lots of ice tomorrow. Do not want.

I'm way behind in Persona. It's only May 18th because my brother is home playing Madden '09 all day.


lassarina December 17 2008, 21:18:51 UTC
I thought tomorrow was more snow?

I FEEL like I'm way behind because I keep abandoning the game in favour of boyfriend S.Link and that whole sleep thing, but I anticipate much awesome next week.


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